Everyone dug in fast like starved animals. I make sure to snatch up the good stuff before these weirdos devour everything.

We'd just come from sunday service an hour ago, but mummy had to take time to heat up the food prepared this morning. Me, Marc, Anushca, and 'Bastion were already hungry long before we got here. What's worse is that after service, popi felt the need to drop everyone else home except us. No biggie, we make it back here eventually. But then we finally set the table, and mummy wanna ask popi if he feels like praying today - knowing damn well that man does not. Hold. Back.

I can't really complain though 'cause popi's praying doesn't even come close to that long ass sermon I thought would never end. Honestly, I just wanna get through this and go take a nap 'cause a nigga is drained, emotionally and physically.

I finally fill up my plate, biting into the black rice with a content sigh.

But of course, it wouldn't be a typical Dixon family dinner without somebody at the table competing for the ghetto-olympics. Welcome, ladies and gentleman!

"Popi can I get a new car for my birthday?"

Eh, lame - I give it a 3.

"Anushca, can you stop bringing vakabon to my house?" (translation: bums)

Oooh! Popi is not tryna let anyone take the lead spot from him! - solid 7.

"I'm confused. Was he not just praying to God acting holier than thou?"

True, true - I give it a 5, delivery could've been better.

"Ethel pass the sauce please?"

Ummm, are you even trying at this point? - zero!

"Sebastion! Se ti bebe-w ye? Sispann siye men-w sou twal tab mwen!" (translation: are you a baby? stop wiping your hands on my table cloth)

Aaah. Mummy, our reining queen. Who could ever beat you and the beloved table cloth? - 10's all across the board!

"Okay mummy, calm down."

I just sit back and observe the show 'cause this shit low-key kinda funny. 

"Ethel why you so quiet doudou, how's school?" My mom gives me a worried look. I guess she felt like I was being left out, even though I really wasn't, but the sentiment still made me smile. The whole table quiets, waiting on my response.

Oh so now ya'll motherfuckers don't wanna speak?

"Um...It's fine I guess. They changed my schedule so I don't have p.e. with 'Bastion eighth period no more."

Sebastion gasps and regards me with a wide-eyed look. "What?!"

I nod at him solemnly. The thing is, I get where he's coming from 'cause we don't really mess around with that many people at school. So during most of the periods we have together, we stick together.

"What they give you instead?"

"Ion know," I scratch my lemonade braids, "chemistry I think?"

Ethel 'n OpalWhere stories live. Discover now