ᴅᴇꜱᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - ꜰɪɢʜᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʀᴏꜱᴛ 3

Comincia dall'inizio

"I don't know I really don't but we have to way to," I say shaking my resolve. Even if I couldn't handle the pressure of this I had to at least act like I could, for the rest of the cadets
"We couldn't save those below us but we sure as hell aren't letting anyone else die in this hellhole" I comment as I look at him and he nods back to me and in that instant I know we have bonded on a level deeper than the bond I have with Armin, Mikasa and Eren and I gain a new respect for him. He's just trying his best in this screwed-up world as we all are and despite his arguments, he is an amazing leader.

"come on then, let's talk about this later," he says turning around to address those behind us


"GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT" I yell back to those of us left

"You guys really came through for us there we owe you big time, don't shrug it off I mean it, Jean you make a great leader, as do you" Marco compliments bringing a smile to my face

"easy with that crap, we're not out of this yet" Jean replies smirk evident as he speeds up

After a couple of grueling minutes of dodging titan grabs and hearing screams behind us I try to ignore, we finally make it to HQ just as our gas was about to run out and we line up to smash through the windows using the very last of our gas to give us the momentum to break through the glass and land on our knees very ungracefully as the rest of the cadets follow

I could feel my knees scrape on the ground below me and almost wince in pain and exhaustion, nobody will admit this but the sheer strength and resolve it takes to be a soldier at 16 is so much more than I anticipated. I feel my fingers ache with the relief of not having to suspend myself in the air

"ha ... ha we did it" I breathe out Jean and I hug very quickly in pure relief that most of us survived that death charge

"yeah but how many of us made up bodies and people did we abandon to get here," he says pulling away from the quick hug

"We shouldn't think about that right now let's just get to our next steps," I say observing around the room noticing people hiding under the stacked tables behind me
"always the forward thinker aren't you?" he says
"what can I say I'm used to ignoring the problem till it builds up" I laugh and look around the room and spot people crouched under the tables behind us covered in a blood splatter
"wait..arent you with the supply team," I ask wearily as Jean looks to where I am, and before I can even blink he has one of them by the collar punching them square in the jaw as Marco hold him back

"You cowards, you left us out there on our own, people are dead because you didn't have the guts to do your job" He screams letting out the frustration from earlier

"The titans were coming at us from every angle, they overran the supply room okay" the poor girl cried and I felt bad for her it must have been terrifying however this goes quickly as i remember they were trained for this and put thousands of lives at risk by not doing what they were trained to.


All of a sudden a droning sound comes from outside as one of the cadets close to the wall tells us to hit the deck and before we could move the wall is smashed clean through pushing me forward toward the floor with extreme force. As my back collides with a wall I notice my vision go black for a second with the severe trauma I know my spine and head have endured eventually it comes back and I'm faced with the face of two titans glaring at us

"There's too many of us, they can smell us" Jean realizes and panic starts to settle into the traumatized recruits as they start running to get further into the structure for some form of safety. However, as I get up to run I notice Jean just sat on the ground staring in disbelief probably realizing how hopeless our fight is and I work through the crowd and shake him slightly to snap him out of the trance so he can get to safety

soldiers  (e.jaeger)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora