Chapter 71 : Nationals

Start from the beginning

All of them started to talk about unexpected topics. Like, Kuroo and Yaku fussing over which idol group was better. Inuoka was eating some mochi bought by Naoi with Himura as they talk about a book they read. Watching the comedy channel with Akahana and Fukunaga. Taketora trying to tell Kenma which strategy for his video game was better. Lev running around the room after he got a bath. Teshiro preparing the futons if one of them wanted to sleep early. Shibayama phoning his brother outside. The coaches were also having drinks together.

Not long ago, Kuroo told them that he was going to have a meeting with the coaches regarding the matches and what he needs to do as a captain, leaving Kai in charge of the others.

Kai turned to find Himura sneaking out of the room without Akahana joining her. "What are you trying to do?" He asked with the smile on his face. He wanted to laugh but held it in as to not draw suspicion. Himura got a bit embarrassed and fiddled with her fingers. She didn't expect Kai to notice her right away. "I'm thirsty..." She told him and pocketed her hands into her hoodie. He liked the idea of getting drinks and turned to the team to ask them what drink they wanted. After noting every single order from them, Himura was sent off to get the drinks with their money together.

As she made her way to the vending machines, she was thinking about what happened during new year's. She wasn't expecting him to be chill about it nor avoiding to make a pun out of it. Maybe it was her overreacting but it was such a weird way to confess.

"Himurran?" There was Kuroo, standing right next to her near the vending machines. Himura asked why he wasn't with the coaches discussing about what they were doing but Kuroo told her they haven't gone back to the hotel from the bar.

"You look like you have something on your mind," He took note of the subtle difference of her face. She looked more alert than always. "Do you wanna tell me about it?"

She was suspicious of him. Suspicion that he'll reveal to the others and making a fool out of her. He has done it multiple times to her that the trust she has for him decreased everytime.

"I assure you, I won't...this time." He told her while slumping on the couch.

Giving in, she told him about what happened during Christmas Eve, during New Year's, and how she felt afterwards. To her surprise, Kuroo was understandable. He kept humming as his response.

"So, is that why you were avoiding him today?" She nodded.

"Well, what do you think is better, keep avoiding it and let yourself overwhelmed by it or talk it our or as you two do, make a joke out of it?" Kuroo explained and looked out the door to see the coaches approaching the hotel, finally. Himura was left puzzled by his question, she never thought of that.

"I better get goin'." The captain told her and stood up from his seat. "Don't forget, if he does it again then arrange a date with the other couple."

Himura blushed when she saw the eyebrow wiggles from Kuroo as he walked to the coaches.

"Hey, what took you so long?"

A slap echoed the room.

"Oww!! Fine! I'm sorry, okay?!"


Tokyo Metropolis Gymnasium.

The National Spring High School Volleyball Tournament, the Spring Tournament. Considered by some the equivalent of Japanese high school baseball's national tournament. Out of all the tournaments during the year, this is the one that attracts the most media attention.

"We're heeere...!!" Lev and Shibayama gasped a the giant gym. The gym they will be playing. It seemed so awesome to be playing there and now, their dreams came true all because of their efforts to gain this chance.

"Woah, it looks cooler in real life, huh?" Taketora said as got his bags with Kai. "Yeah," The vice captain turned to look at the giant venue. 'She'll be so happy if she came...'

Fukunaga looked around and found two people seem to be missing from the group while exiting bus. He told Yaku about this and he immediately went searching for the missing people. "The managers are over there, seems like they're busy lifting the bags." He pointed.

"Sara-san, where is your other jacket?" Inuoka asked her as he looked around for the light colored jacket he gave her during the train ride. Himura looked at her arms and she hasn't realize that she has forgotten it in the bus.

When she was about to go search inside the bus, "Oh! Fukunaga-san, you found it." Himura took the jacket from her face to be greeted by Fukunaga's catlike smile. She'd be lying if a pink flush wasn't tinting her cheeks as madly as it was.

"Stick together, guys!" They heard Yaku telling everybody. Fukunaga turned to her and waved goodbye as he went to the team while she helps the coaches.

"You shut up!" They heard a squeaky voice yelling at a much deeper one. They knew who it was. "It's the mood that's important! The mood!"

"Man, you two just never give it a rest, do you." Kuroo walked to them as the team followed and Kenma following next to him. "Didja get to see the real skytree this time?"

In front of them, were the wingless crows of Miyagi prefecture.

Karasuno High.

"Country bumpkin crows?"

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