Enderwalking and School

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(When they got home)

(Tommy pov)

What time is it? Oh it's 3am of course, just my luck.






What was that!? My legs practically flew off my bed and hit my desk "Shit!" Ugh I need something to eat, I didn't eat when we got mom. When I stood up the floor creaked loudly, I had to walk slowly or I would make as much noise as a parrot does in Minecraft. I crept over to my door slowly opening it, the upstairs made much more noise than downstairs so I have to go slow for a while.

Going down the stairs was easy enough,I mastered which step was creaky the first week here. I like to eat something late at night, when I got to the bottom step I saw a tail. "Ranboo?" I walked towards the 7' foot teenager trying to stay confident but him being so tall it was hard. "Ranboo?" I reached out for his arm just in case he didn't hear me but he was flinched and stared at me.. Ranboo's eyes were purple tinted over his normal green and red.

"H-hey dickhead did you hear me!" I was tripping over my own feet walking backwards from him, he looked scary for some fucking reason. His eyes were purple tinted but I could still see the red and green, "Hey!" He wasn't responding just looking at me. "Tommy? Ranboo?" Techno!

I rushed over towards Techno who was holding a lantern almost dropping it when I ran behind him "Techno! Ranboo's acting fucking creepy!!! He won't respond to me!" Techno held me close to him "Tommy, His eyes are like a normal endermans. We have to be safe while looking at him" when I looked towards Ranboo again and he was avoiding eye sight with us, covering his face with his hair and hands "Techno? Do you think this is how he forgot us at first?" He nodded slowly and handed me the lantern

"I'm going to go grab something Tommy. Stay here and don't follow me, it's a secret Ranboo has." A secret? I get it, we all have secrets from eachother. He walked upstairs.

(Techno's pov)

"Micheal, you okay?" When I entered ranboo's room everything was a mess,his mirror on the door shattered to bits. "H-here!" A small hand was lifted from under his bed "It's okay, it's just techno" He crawled out from under the bed and ran towards me "What happened in here?" "R-Ranboo was tired he fell down then he got up and shattered the mirror with his tail" So that's how that broke but why is he acting so.. Enderman like? He hasn't been seen this way yet. I grabbed his book with ender on it "Micheal?"

He was just pulling at my leg "What's up?" "Will he be okay?" Oh. Micheal is worried, shit I was never good with kids. "Yeah." I lied to him probably, I hope Ranboo will be okay but we'll see. When I closed the door and walked back downstairs Tommy was shielding his sight from Ranboo.

"Tommy!" He rushed back over to me "Techno! Ranboo is..." when I looked over to the kitchen sink it was on? Why would Ranboo turn that on?








Ranboo fell down to the floor, i rushed over to the kid. What did he do to himself to make him pass out!?

His arm was purple, under his eyes the same purple I felt for a pulse, he's alive thank god. "Tommy, can you help me out?" He nodded coming to my side lifting Ranboo up

When we got to his door I told Tommy to go to bed but he just stared at me "No. why should I?" "Tommy go to bed." "No." "Tomathy innit. Go to bed" He looked shocked hearing me say his full first name but turned back towards his room and entered. "Ranboo, Please be okay." I mumbled opening the door and putting him on his bed.

"Micheal?" He was behind the door,"Oh there you are. Can you make sure Ranboo reads this book when he wakes up?" He nodded taking the book from my hands and going to sleep by Ranboo. I got out a broom and swept up the glass from the mirror before he woke up, I didn't want him to step on it.

I tried to bandage his arm but he just flicked me away, it must sting.

(In the morning)

(Ranboo's Pov)

W-what happened? A book? Under my hand was a book with Memories written in enderian. I opened it up "Oh this is my room I guess, So I have some siblings and a mom now? I only remember them faintly." I closed the book and stood up "Bandages on the desk?" When I looked towards the door there was a note on the broken mirror

(Note reading:

Good morning Ranboo, last night you had a thing.. you were like a normal enderman by that I mean aggressive with eye contact. Tommy found you like that and I was able to get you back to your room without Micheal being discovered, your friend techno.

Note done!)

Oh techno helped out, that's good to know. I opened my door and tottered down to the kitchen "Ranboo! Is your arm okay, techno and Tommy said it was hurt last night!" Phil rushed over to spooking me at first "I-I think it's fine?" When I looked down at my arm thee was a giant indent in my arm with a light purple around it. "That's good but we should still bandage it up." Phil grabbed my arm holding it out so he could bandage it, he was holding it still but also gently somehow. "This might sting okay?" Sting? What did he mean by sting.

When he put the bandage over my arm it did sting but not enough to scare me badly,He knew what he was doing I think. "There, it should heal" He ripped the extra bandage off and gave a comforting smile "Ranboo!" Tommy ran towards me almost knocking me down "Boss man!!" Tubbo yelled also coming over to me

"They were worried about you since they woke up" Phil said while going back to the table, Kristen she seems nice but she was just being silent giving a smile. "Are you hungry Ranboo?" She asked now in front of me I guess I had zoned out, "Um no thank you." "You know sugar helps with shock" she handed me a chocolate bar and smiled "Oh um thank you?"

When we finished breakfast or I finished my chocolate bar and everyone else ate breakfast Phil said he had something to tell us, first spooked me with the sound of his wings make a giant wind thing (I don't know how to describe it basically Phil's wings made a giant noise-)

"Ranboo have you ever been to school?" "Oh um yeah but not since a while" he nodded and handed me,Tommy and tubbo a few papers "I enrolled Tommy and Ranboo into your school Tubbo!" Tubbo started to jump from excitement and hugged both of us "Yooo! I won't be alone there anymore!!" I guess he didn't have any friends there.

It was hard for me to believe that school already was beginning again, considering that they adopted me in the summertime.

(Get ready for a giant time skip from July to the first of there school day!)

(Tommy pov)

When we got to the school it seemed like a normal human school, Tubbo showed us around so we wouldn't be lost but I then I noticed something. A girl with her hair pulled up into a ponytail and a Minecraft backpack on yelling on her phone "Clay for the last time-" she stopped talking and ended her call when a teacher walked past her "Miss.Underscore this is the 5th time you've had your phone out, I will have to take it away now" the teacher held there hand out for the phone

The girl just looked at the teacher then stuck there tongue out "Not my fault that my brother calls me during school! And if I don't answer he'll think I'm dead!" Tubbo chuckled a little looking at the situation "Who's that?" "That's Drista, or as we know her Sam!" Tubbo walked over to sams dragging her over to us

"Sam! This is Ranboo and Tommy!! In person atleast" "Huh. You look like your Minecraft skins that's for sure" Ranboo was just as awkward as I was in this situation Tubbo just dragged her over but I guess we're all friends now?

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