Quick A/N!!

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So I'm not very good at making long chapters, so they might be short 😅

My writing is bad and I use () a lot to explain things to the reader, My friend is basically my editor for my stories except they refuse to read a story with angst (I'm calling you out Haze!) 

I made a drawing of what Ranboo looks like in this AU though I can't figure out how to add it so if it's on your screen twice, Sorry heh 😅 it's not showing up on my mind at all so yeah. 

I will try to make my story look more "Professional" but my writing and grammar both suck and I give up easy on things

All Art unless I say I made it, I do not claim. I get my photos from Pinterest and Google, I try to find the artist but it's hard sometimes, I'm now noticing that my Chapters are short compared to some things I've written before.

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