You Poor Child Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Great, now some of his classmates were crying, or trying to hide it by glaring instead.

"Todobro... can I give you a hug?" Kirishima asked before latching himself onto Todoroki and crying harder.

"Please don't cry. Really, it's okay. You can't really miss out on something you don't know much about. Wait, no, don't cry even more! I worded that wrong."

"Bro!" Kirishima cried, now full-on sobbing.

Iida came up and rubbed Kirishima's back, although his eyes were shiny too.

"There there Kirishima. We should be making happy experiences for Todoroki." Iida consoled, making Kirishima calm his crying.

"You're right man, crying is so not manly."

"I think crying is manly, Kirishima. Everyone has to cry sometimes, it helps you cope with your emotions, doesn't it?"

"Todobro!" Kirishima was now crying even more.

"Aizawa." Shoto called out weakly to the other side of the room, silently asking for help.

The teacher put down his shortbread before coming over to separate Kirishima from Todoroki, telling him to take some deep breaths whilst looking mildly uncomfortable.

"Don't worry Todobro! You're gonna love Christmas day!"

And he did. It was loud at first when Jirou put on Christmas songs and the class rushed over to find their presents. He and Momo sat down on the sofa, watching the madness whilst having some tea. Iida was trying to get some semblance of order, but the chaos and excitement was too much for even him to handle. He sat down on the other side of Shoto, wished them both a merry Christmas, and accepted a cup of tea gratefully.

Todoroki wasn't expecting any gifts. He knew he most definitely wouldn't get one off his father, Natsuo was a broke college student, Fuyumi was saving up for a place of her own, and he couldn't get one off of his mother for obvious reasons. So he didn't expect for some of his classmates to pass him gifts, saying they were a little rushed and last minute but they hoped he liked them.

He was surprised that he had gotten gifts at all. And even though they were things like a scarf or some stationery or a mug with Katy Perry from Denki, yes he understood the reference, he was very happy. Momo had gifted him some expensive tea and Iida a photo album to go with Deku's disposable camera. He tried it out with some shots of people opening their gifts, and liked the vintage quality to the photos.

But he was least expecting a gift from Bakugou.

"It's not just from me, half n' half. Maybe show it to that flaming trash bag some time." the blond growled before heading into the kitchen to get started on dinner.

It was rectangular and pretty slim, so he was curious as to what was inside. The first glimpse of it made his lips twitch up, and he almost spat his tea out from laughter when he took all of the wrapping off. It was a poster of these cute, fluffy animated characters, each with a photoshopped Endeavour-head on top of them pulling expressions from rage to disgust to downright weird. Then there was a giant face in the middle, atop of some sort of fox or red panda, with blown up words saying 'CHOKE ON MY RAGE!'

Iida had to grab his cup of tea whilst Momo patted his back, as Shoto was hunched over with shaking shoulders so as to not burst out laughing. But everytime he looked at the poster the laughter came again, tears welling up in his eyes. The classmates involved with the product looked proud of themselves, whilst the others seemed concerned at his reaction.

After he had recovered himself enough he grabbed his phone and video-called Natsuo.

"Sup little bro, merry Christmas!"

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