2. August

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That girl is fine as hell but I think she's with that other dude. I can't keep my eyes off her. I mean it's kinda hard not to with all that pink hair. That sexy, pink hair.

"Aye bro! You good?" I feel a pat on my shoulder, following the arm to see it was just Chris.

"Yeah man, I'm chill." I reply whilst giving a nod. I take a sip of my drink. I notice Chris look at me then at the girl, me then the girl but he finally says something.

"You feeling that pink head over there?"

"Yeah man, she's a 10. As these girls say: Everything on fleek!" We both burst out in laughter realising how stupid I sounded.

"You a mess nigga!" I elbow his side and roll my eyes.

"Nah but for real, her friend fine as hell." He says whilst licking his lips as if she's a piece of meat.

"I think that's actually her sister and by the way she's looking at that dude over there, I would say she likes him."

"But ain't your girl with him?"

"That's what I thought, after she gave him that kiss on the cheek but I guess I was wrong." So this means I may have a chance. Wait, I'm August Alsina I do have a chance.

"You're actually gonna get your bitch whilst mine is all puppy loving that lil nigga."

This boy stupid I swear to God.

"Aye. One, she's not a bitch and two, that ain't my business fool." I give him a stank face and finish the rest of my Brandy. I couldn't stop staring at her, she was the baddest one here on God.

The music's still blasting through the speakers and I can barely stand up straight as I make my way over to the bar to get some water.

"Yoooo," I hiccup before carrying on with my request. "can you hook me up with some water please man? I'm dying over here."

Dean shakes his head at me as he goes to the fridge to get an ice cold bottle of water.

"Too much drinking again August?" He says smirking.

"D," hiccup. "I-I'm goooood, dog. Nothing a bottle of w-water c-can't fix." I grin so hard I feel like my jaw about to pop. Dean's been running this club for about 7 years and I knew him way before he opened up. He's quite attractive, as some might say, 40 years old but looks about 26. He's more of an uncle to me than a friend I've known since I was 17. I respect him so much man. He normally calls me a car to drop me home and it looks like that's about to be soon.

"Excuse me, can I have a bottle of water please? My sister's a bit wasted."

I look up after hearing a cute giggle and notice that pink hair. She looks even better up close. I can't help but stare even harder. The things she is making me want to do right now. Lord.

"Ermm...you okay boy?" I come out of my daze and slightly put my head down in embarrassment. Come on August, get it together.

"Y-yeah, I'm all gooood." I cheese harder again.

"Boy you wasted as hell." She giggles that sexy giggle again and shakes her head.

She stares at me a little bit and looks like she realised something.

"Was you that person staring at me a while back?" She stared some more as if she was taking in my features.

"Erm..y-yeah. But don't think I ain't see you staring back at me."

"Only because I wanted to see what your creeping ass looked like." She playfully rolls her eyes and grabs the water bottle.

"Girl you know you frontin'." I put my lips in that 'ghetto girl' position whilst rolling my neck. She does a little chuckle and begins to walk off but I lightly pull her back by her arm so she's closer than she was before. I pull her down, slightly so I can whisper in her ear.

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