1. Heather

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The cheers and whistles just about take over the music that's blasting its way through the club.

"Look at you growing up and shit" My younger sister, Tyla, says whilst putting her arm around me. I chuckle, shake my head and take a sip of my wine.
"I'm only 24. This will be you in 2 years boo."

"So...you planning on taking anyone home tonight?" Tyla winks whilst a smirk sits on her petite face. This girl is something else I swear to God.

"What do you take me for? Seriously. I just wanna go home and soak in a nice bubble bath, light some candles, put a face mask on, sit in my silk robe and eat some bomb ass birthday cake whilst watching That's So Raven. Is that too much to ask for?"

Tyla looks at me with a 'are you being for real right now?' face and yes, yes I am.

"You know Tony went though all this trouble to throw you a party IN the V.I.P section so you better suck it up and be grateful."

" I am, I am. It's just...I know he likes me and I ain't ready for that and plus, he's not my type. I mean you would of thought he would have gotten the memo but clearly not."

If 'pulling the straightest face in the world' is a thing, Tyla would get a reward right now.

"Tony is everyone's type on some real shit and if HE isn't your type, then what is."

I try to scan the packed out club and notice this tall guy staring back at me. The sad thing is I can't make out his face that clearly but I still see that he is quite fine.

"Oooh girl, you looking at that giraffe over there? He is not that bad. Tony look better though." I kiss my teeth and role my eyes at the last part she mumbles. If she wants Tony that bad, she should let him know. She can't let the fact that he likes me get in the way.

I sit in my 'birthday throne' Tony ordered for tonight and relax with my cup in one hand and my phone in the other. As much as this is a great night, I'm just so tired like words can't explain. I am so not a party person.

"You good shawty?" I can just about make out what Tony says as I look up at him.

"Yeah. Thanks for all of this, I appreciate it." I give him a genuine smile.

"Well of course babygirl. Just wait until your big 30th." He winks at me whilst placing his butt down on the sofa next to my chair.

"Seriously though, you didn't need to go through all of this especially just for my 24th...shoulda been for my 25th" I don't know if it is just me but I find it a bit strange that we're having such a big celebration for my 24th...

"Yeah I know but I just wanted to show you how special you are to me..."

No thank you.

"Aww T you're such a good friend..." I curve his remark and give him a friendly kiss on his cheek. "Maybe you should do something like this for Tyla for her 24th I mean...I think she's got a little crush on you." I wink and get up walking back over to Tyla.

"I just friend zoned T so hard, I feel bad man."

I see her about to blast me but I cut her off before she can.

"But! I may have said a couple of words about how he should do something like this for your 24th an-"

"Wait what?! No. He probably won't do anything like this for me. Hell, he wouldn't even plan my 24th because he don't like me like that. That's you!"

"Before you cut me off, I was going to say I told him that you may have a little crush on him..." I look around and act innocent and wait for her reaction.

"Oh my gosh Heather. I can't believe you right now."

"I love you too Ty!" I say as I plant a juicy kiss on her cheek and top up my drink.

Really, I just want this night to end.

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