Second Chance on First Line

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Third Person POV

Scott looks shocked as he looks at the lockers. Stiles walks in and says, "Hey, you ok?" Stiles takes his shirt off, looking at himself to see more muscle than a few days ago. "Did I gain muscle over night?" Stiles asks himself, seeing his skin tight against his muscles. Stiles turns and sees back muscles that he didn't even know existed, Stiles for some reason sees muscles on top of muscles on him. "No." Scott says. "What?" Stiles asks, wondering why he's not ok.

"Allison father, shot me." Scott says. "Wait what." Stiles asks. "Allisons father shot me!" Scott says, freaking out. "Hey, hey, calm down." Stiles says, "Look, we are going to get you ready and we are going to play lacrosse." Stiles says this with a cheery voice. Scott groans as he starts to change. Scott looks at the birthmarks and see them gaining more color. Yesterday it was lighter color but now it's almost a little darker.

Stiles takes his jeans off and Scott sees muscles on Stiles legs. "It seems that your body has adjusted, I mean you gained more muscle." Scott says. "I don't know, I've just noticed that I seem fitter." Stiles says. "Well let's go." Scott says, the both of them ready for practice. Scott and Stiles go out for practice and start doing some running.

Scott and Stiles aren't tired while everyone is gasping for breath. Stiles and Scott start talking when Stiles says, "When I was looking for you I was in the woods. When I was looking for you I was shot by a group of people." "That must be the Argents. Derek told me about them. He also said that we are all brothers now." Scott says. "Well that's a bit weird." Stiles says. "Ok everyone get in a line! Jackson grab a long stick!" Coach yells. "Ok now start to score!" Coach yells again.

One after another people fail. Scott then goes up and gets tackled by Jackson. Scott lands on his back hard as Jackson says, "How does it feel to be on the first line?" Coach starts laughing as Stiles starts to worry. Stiles tries to focus his ears to hear Scott's heartbeat but it starts to fade in and out. Stiles breaths and concentrates even better and starts to hear Scott's heart beating fast. Scott gets up when Coach walks over and says, "Wow, my grandmother can do better than that and she's dead. Do you think that you can move faster than my lifeless grandmother?" Scott starts breathing heavily when he says, "Yes Coach."

Stiles is about to go when Scott shoves him and gets the ball. Stiles grabs Scott and shakes his head, Scott's heartbeat going crazy. Scott struggles to shake Stiles off but does after a few seconds. "Oh McCall's going to do it again!" Coach says. Stiles shakes his head as Scott and Jackson charge at each other. Scott tackles Jackson hard onto the shoulder, making him fall to the ground. Scott then grips his head and falls to the ground. Stiles runs to his best friend while everyone runs to Jackson. Stiles picks up Scott and takes him to the locker room when Stiles gets a glimpse of Derek.

Stiles shoves Scott into the locker room when Scott says, "Get away from me!" Scott roars but Stiles holds Scott and pushes him to the showers. Scott's eyes shift from brown to golden yellow. Scott's eyes then narrow as he instinctively starts to attack Stiles. Stiles body acts by itself as his hairs raise up. Stiles moves but wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack fully. Stiles gets a cut on his arm and he loses it. Stiles punches Scott hard in the face, sending him crashing into the tiled wall. Scott starts to go crazy and starts swinging his arms. Stiles breaths and feels his eyes burning brighter as he dodges the diagonal swing. Stiles then throws a tight uppercut to Scott's jaw. Stiles hesitates but goes through with the punch.

Scott's head whips back as Scott swings his claws. Stiles leans back this time letting himself enjoy the fight, trying to force his instincts down. Scott lands scratches to Stiles on the cheek but Stiles exchanges with a hard knee to the gut. Scott falls to the ground but pushes off the ground, tackling Stiles to the ground. Scott starts to slash his claws into Stiles. Stiles growls in pain but pushes through and puts Scott into a triangle choke hold. Scott continues to put his claws into Stiles until he gets knocked out.

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