Though, if she was being honest, not having to stare at Dart wasn't exactly a bad thing for her.

So, Maddie took her time. Walking down the halls as kids passed her to leave for the day. Though as she neared Mr. Clarke's room, she was suddenly pulled away from her path when an arm grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the nearest room.

"Woah— what the hell!" Maddie gasped, turning towards whoever had just grabbed her. She let out a sigh when she realized who it was. "Jesus, Mike."

Maddie took her arm back as Mike started at her with worry in his eyes. "What's wrong?" Maddie questioned, beginning to get worried. Mike frowned, looking over at Will who Maddie just realized in that moment was also in the room. He turned back to Maddie. "Will thinks he knows where Dart is from. And it's bad, really, really bad."

Maddie frowned, looking to Will. "Where?" Will just looked towards her, letting out a breath. "The Upside Down."

Maddies eyes widened. "Oh my god. But— aren't they showing Mr. Clarke Dart right now?" Mikes eyes widened as well, in the heat of the moment he had forgotten all about that. "Shit!" Mike yelled, running past both Maddie and Will as he tried to make it to Mr. Clarke's room in time.

Maddie and Will followed after him, both running as quickly as they could towards Mr. Clarke's room. Once they made it, Mike shouted towards everyone. "Stop!" He made it to Mr. Clarke's desk. "I'm sorry, Mr. Clarke. It was just a stupid prank." He grabbed the trap Dart was in and Dustin immediately voiced is disapproval. "What are you doing?"

"I told him to stop." Mike finished before looking towards Dustin, Lucas, and Max. "We need to go. Right now." Dustin sighed. "Mike!" Mike just shouted over him. "Right now!"

He ran out of the room and everyone followed closely behind, leaving Mr. Clarke confused in his classroom.

Mike began heading straight towards the AV room, finding it to be the only place they can truly get some privacy.

Once there, when everyone was inside (well, everyone but Max), Mike slammed the door shut and locked it. Maddie turned to him. "Mike! Let her in." Mike gave Maddie a look. "Not a chance. If this is what I think it is, party members only."

Maddie crossed her arms over her chest and Lucas sighed. "Okay what the hell is going on?" Mike turned his attention to Lucas. "We don't think Dart is as harmless as he looks."

Lucas' eyes widened, he definitely did not expect Mike to say that. "What?" Mike frowned. "Last year, Will saw something that looked like Dart."

Loud banging then came from outside the AV room. "Hello? Hello? Guys, come in. Can I come in yet?" Max shouted from outside the door. Mike shot a look towards said door. "No!" Max grunted, banging on the door one more time before turning away to lean against it.

"I don't understand." Lucas paced, looking down at where Dart was. "What do you not understand?" Mike responded, looking directly at Lucas. "Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?" Lucas repeated, still not getting how that could be possible.

Will nodded. "Kind of, but there was no tail." Mike cut in. "But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound." Dustin turned to Will. "Why didn't you tell us before?"

Will sighed. "I wasn't sure." Dustin looked towards Mike. "So, it's a coincidence." Mike gave him his own look. "Or not. What if when Will was stuck in the Upside Down, he somehow acquired True Sight?"

Lucas shot Mike a look this time. "True Sight?" Dustin decided to quickly summarize. "It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane." Lucas sighed, making hand motions. "Elaborate."

"Maybe these episodes that Will keeps having aren't really flashbacks at all. Maybe they're real. Maybe Will can somehow see into the Upside Down." Mike theorized. Lucas frowned. "So that would mean..."

"Dart is from the Upside Down." Mike finished, Dustin began to shake his head. Lucas sighed. "We have to take him to Hopper." Mike nodded. "I agree."

Dustin shook his head again. "No way. If we take him to Hopper, Dart's as good as dead." Maddie frowned. "Dustin..." Mike turned his attention to his curly haired friend. "Maybe he should be." Dustin looked back at Mike with betrayal. "How can you say that?"

Mike looked at Dustin like he was crazy. "How can you not? He's from the Upside Down." Dustin stopped him. "Maybe. But even if he is, it doesn't automatically mean that he's bad." Maddie sent Dustin her own look. "It kinda does."

"Yeah, that's like saying just because someone's from the Death Star doesn't make them bad." Mike agreed. Dustin looked down sadly. "We have a bond." Mike scoffed. "A bond? Just because he likes nougat?"

Dustin looked towards Mike angrily. "No, because he trusts me!" Lucas took in a breath. "He trusts you?" Dustin nodded. "Yes! I promised I would take care of him."

Dart then screeched loudly, causing everyone to jump as they turned towards him. Maddie took a few steps back as the trap Dart was in began to shake fast.

A bang sounded from the door. "Guys, what's going on? Come on." Max questioned. No one responded.

Dart continued to shake around, causing the trap to fall on its side. "Doesn't seem like he really cares about that bond of yours right now, Dustin." Maddie spoke, watching as Dart continued to thrash around.

Mike grabbed one of those microphones used to announce things and held it over his head. Dustin pointed at him. "Don't you hurt him." Mike sent Dustin a look. "Only if he attacks."

"Just open it already." Lucas bossed, pointing towards the trap. Dustin slowly grabbed the handle, pulling it close to himself before pressing the button that would release Dart.

"Holy shit!" Lucas spat because Dart had somehow gotten bigger, and nastier. "What the hell is moving in him?" Maddie questioned, pointing forwards as skin began to stretch. And then two legs came out, one on each side.

"Oh, shit!" Lucas screamed, backing away. Dart screeched towards the group and Mike lunged at it, causing Dustin to go for Mike. "No!"

Mike swung but because of Dustin missed and Dart jumped off the table. Maddie and Will backed away before watching as Dart made it towards the locked door.

But the door wasn't locked anymore as it swung open, Max on the other side with a clip. Dart ran out, sliding past Max as it ran as far as it could from the group.

"Oh, shit!" Mike yelled, running behind Lucas and Dustin as they tried to get out of the AV room. But Dustin ended up tackling Max, causing Lucas to fall as well.

Maddie and Will ran behind Mike, stopping before they could add to the pile on the ground. "Where's he go?" Lucas questioned, standing back up.

"What was that?" Max questioned, also standing. Mike turned towards her. "Dart!" Max's eyes widened. "What?" Mike continued directing his anger towards Max. "You let him escape!"

Maddie ran her hand through her hair. "Leave her alone!" Mike turned towards Maddie. "It's the truth!"

Dustin ran at Mike. "Why did you attack him?" Mike brushed him off, beginning to run forward. "Come on."

"Don't hurt him! Don't you hurt him!"

And the chase for Dart began.

AUTHORS NOTE!out here poppin out updates whoop whoop

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