Chapter one, a stupid mistake.

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So yeah, this story... it all started with a stupid mistake my school made ones. I know it sounds onoriginal and weird but that's how this whole story started.

So let me explain the whole situation. I've got a crush on a boy in my class, his name is aster what means "star". I liked him for 3 years now, but we never really talked. My best friend (Asmara) always says that I have to make a move, but I just rather watch him from distance i don't want to cause any problems, until one day my school made a stupid mistake...


ok ma'am i'm sorry. I say as I roll my eyes.

ok where was i, next week we are going on a school trip with all fourth graders. you will all receive a letter stating what you need. and make sure that you are on time. she looks at me as she says the last sentence.

miss, can you choose who you sleep with at the hotel? Asks a guy named Brian.

unfortunately, no. we have already made the groups that cannot be changed anymore, boys and girls sleep separately. there are seven groups of three and one group of 2. persons I can hear everyone sighing.

I hope I'm in a group with asmara.

river, since you think my class is so boring. would you like to hand out the papers? OK, great.

Ughh this woman, I hate her.

I give everyone the papers and Asmara looks at me with a big smile, WHAT IS IT WHY ARE YOU SMILING ARE WE IN A ROOM TOGETHER LET ME LOOK.

No fvcking way, I'm in a room with aster.

Miss! There is a fould, I'm in a room with a boy?

Let me look, ah I see I will ask the director.

And she walks out of the class. What are you thinking?! says chloe, the popular girl
I know you tryna steal my Aston! Ugh anyways you look ugly today do something about it.

Idk why she's so mean to me, we used to be best friends in kindergarten but then everything chanced and now she's the queen bee of the school ig but I think everyone just thinks she's annoying bc she's a pickme.

the door flies open and there is the teacher, she looks at me and aster.
Can I speak the two of you?

We both stood up and walked to the teacher

she sighs...

So Uhm yeah this was part 1 of my story I know my English sucks lol but if you like it pls vote it means the world to me anyways have a good day/night/afternoon <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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