Chapter two

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Sorry it took me so long to update. But it's here now. :) I know it's horrible and slow but the next chapters should be better, after all I haven't wrote on this story for like a year now. I need to remember where I was going to go with the story.


Chapter two:

Jakes POV (August 31st)

I met up with the pack at our usual meeting place in a small clearing that we normally use for sparing. The pack was growling and pacing in front of me as we waited for Sam to show up. Everyone was angry, confused and scared.

"Jake, what about Bella? Don't you still care about her?" Seth asked his big Wolf eyes worried.

"She's not going to make it anyway, Seth."

Seth wined sadly and sat next to me.

"This isn't right." He looked at me.

"It's whats best for the people." I look away as Sam enters the clearing.

"The Cullen's will know what's coming because of the mind reader. There power is to much, we cannot attack right away. We have to wait, increase our numbers."

"How?" I asked, confused.

"With a battle looming over us, people will start to shift."

"I don't know if pure numbers are going to be enough." I said to Sam.

"Jake, not even the Cullen's can beat us when we will outnumber them so greatly."

I sighed and nodded "Alright."

"Its done." Sam declared.

"It's done." We all echoed 

The pack desperses into the dark woods, howling loudly. Every wolf felt the soon to be loss of Bella Swan.


Bella's POV (August 31st)

After Jake left I sat down on the couch slowly, with the help of Alice who sat down next to me. My little nudger started stretching and I winced and patted my stomach comfortingly.

"I know, I'm sorry you don't have enough room little EJ." I cooed at my swollen belly. 

"EJ" Alice asked.

"Yeah. Edward Jacob." Alice smiled a little, but it didn't meet her golden eyes. 

I jumped when Edward appeared in front of me and Alice looking angrier than I have ever seen him in all the years I've known him.

"The pack is going to kill Bella." He said. I gasped.

"When, why?"

"Because they fear the fetus. They are going to increase there numbers until they outnumber us. They think they cannot beat us now."

"At least they got that right." Emmett said.

"No one will touch the baby, or Bella!" Snarls Rose.

"We won't let them." Edward sits my me and pulls me gently to his chest, like he's afraid I might break. In reality, I am already broken. Because my best friend wants to kill me, and my unborn baby. Don't get me wrong, I knew he would want to kill him but... I guess all the hate was getting to me. I couldn't blame them though. They didn't know what I did; the baby I am carrying is not a monster, he is all that is good in this world. They couldn't know that because they can't feel him like I can, my little nudger.

But soon, they will see how good he is. Soon....

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