Inosuke Hashibira can be a wild, clueless and some kind of idiot, however he do have a common sense. As soon as he interrupted, the boar tracked back his feet and closed the door.

An awkward silence floated around.

"GONPANCHIRO, MONITSU." They heard the roar of the wild youngster "HEAR THIS, THE CAPTAIN, THE CAPTAIN!"

His stomps were so loud that it could be heard even from the other side of the wall.

"Ah, there he goes." Giyu snarls as he pushed himself up, time to get out of bed "Causing a ruckus over everything."

Shinobu giggled and agreed. During the short time she has spent loving with them, she took notice of the qualities of everyone. A unique group has been put together. And the one leading them was none other than Tomioka Giyu.

Her eyes admired the body of the man. He was indeed well trained and his muscles were not that big, however it was a feast to her eyes. That broad back, well sculpted abdomen, toned arms and even those scars on his right side...

Shinobu contained her gasp. Maybe it was because of the lack of light last night was not enough to see them. His left side had a lot of scars from different sides and shapes. Most of them looked from long ago and yet, she could imagine what kind of wound was the cause of them.

"Don't look at me like that." Giyu, who felt her stare and suspected why, mewled while he searchs for a clean shirt "It look worse that what it felt."

The kocho could not say anything. The simple thought of Giyu getting hurt was enough to make her heart pound inside to the point it hurts.

"This is what I do and sometimes this things happens." He explained "Peace needs sacrifices, and this scars are a cheap price to pay."

Shinobu could not refute anything at all. Giyu has all the reason.


"You finally decided to show your true colors!"

Giyu evaded the knife coming straight to him. The slash passed only some centimeter from him. An attack with all the intention to kill him, that was the moment that he understood that Kanae Kocho is not playing around about keeping him away from Shinobu.

"Onee-chan, calm down!" Shinobu held back her sister, it was like a raging tiger "It's not what it looks like."

"It's not fair captain, you fuc—" Zenitsu could not finish the sentence, a hand gripped his face and the captain who had the expression of a demon threatened with killing him if any word came out of her mouth.

"Let's just put down the weapons, ok?" Sabito sweat dropped at the scene of his girlfriend with a knife and his best friend one second away to commit murder.

Ah, such a normal morning. The same as always. Later they will find that this would be the last moment of calmness they could enjoy.

"You see, he is just an asshole who plays with my sister!" Kanae accused.

"And I tell you that it's not like that, Onee-chan." Repeated Shinobu.

"Yes, if I did something to her, you all would have heard." Tomioka boasted with a smile.

Shinobu felt her face go all red while Kanae could no muster any word. What a shameless man, even Sabito could not hold back his surprise.

'What is this idiot saying!? He really wants to be stabbed!' The peach haired man thought as he shifted his attention to Kanae who fought even harder to free herself from the grip of her sister.

"Just forget it, it's not like something happened." Giyu confess as he poured some coffee into a cup.

Nezuko barged into the kitchen with a frown on her face. She strode directly to Tomika and snatched the cup from him.

"Did you all finished your drama?" She spat venomous words "Now can we attend the real emergency?"

"I'm hearing." Giyu said while pouring himself another cup of coffee since his was ribbed by the pink eyed thief.

"We lost a sensor, at first I thought it was some wild animal, but..." She shook her head "It was totally different from that."

Giyu exchanged glances with Sabito who nod his head.

"Keep your eyes on the cameras and your systems." Ordered Giyu and the girl returned to her post.

"Tomioka-san? Is everything alright?"

Even Kanae changed her face at the words of the Kamado sister. She went from mad to serious in only a second. Now it is not the time to put her personal feelings before the safety of her sister and son.

Giyu took some seconds to think about his answers and doing mulligans inside his head, whether to say that everything was good and keep the two woman 'calm' or tell the truth and prepare them for their next move. However, the later was the right thing to do, if he wants to have some kind of advantage.

"I'll be honest, we have been tracked." He explained "We still have no idea who is behind this. It can be the police or..."

Shinobu gulped at the pause of the man.


"Or they are a small elite unit like us." He continued, his eyes became serious and the aura around him changed "If they are good then we must prepare."

He took a deep breath, he closed all the curtains. After some seconds he called everyone to the kitchen.

"It's likely that we're being observed right now. They know we are here and we know they are out there." Giyu explained "We must take precautions and prepare for everything."

All the presents nodded.

"Tanjiro and Zenitsu, you will remain on the nest. Keep your eyes open. Hashibira, move your humanity out of here and scout the surroundings, try to counter track them. Genya, Muichiro, bring all the equipment we need, prepare everything. Nezuko keep me updated with all the cameras and sensors."

With a 'Yes, sir!' They all disperse and began their tasks, Shinobu and Kanae exchanged gazes. They all changed gears in an instant, all of them.

"And for you two..." Giyu and Sabito explained what they must do, it was a simple yet important assignment

Shinobu and Kanae nodded and made their way to complete it.

Sabito sighed. It has all come to this after all.

"When are we moving?" The Lieutenant asked.

Giyu looked at his hand. The climax is just one step away.

"Tonight, obviously."

Extreme Ways (GiyuShino) Where stories live. Discover now