Chapter Two

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Hades paused as he looked at his wife in shock. Out of all the things that he had expected Persephone to say, that was not one of them.

"I'm sorry, you mind runnin' that by me again? I must have had a chunk of brimstone wedged in my ear or something."

"Think about this logically Hades," Persephone said, shaking her head slightly at her husband's words. "If Mal has an injured ankle, how is she going to survive the Isle? We've got no medical system here and the other kids will see her as a target. Maleficent's daughter injured, the number one spot ripe for the taking."

Hades shook his head. "I understand that Steph, but think about what you're saying. Taking a kid off the Isle?"

"I'm not talking about a kid Hades. I'm talking about Mal."

"Belle and Beast won't see it like that, not with the fact that I'm not listed as Mal's father in the registry. If you get sent here permanently because you took a child from the Isle of the Lost..."

Persephone sighed and gently rested a hand on Hades' cheek. "Hades, I know the risks. But what would you rather have happen? Mal get a chance to heal without constantly having to look over her shoulder? Or not having Mal in our lives at all because she was injured on the Isle and someone tried to take advantage of that?"


"Hades, if I take Mal off the Isle, I can petition for custody of her," Persephone said. "Yes, Zeus didn't help us and likely won't help me once he realizes what I've done but I can petition Belle at the very least. She's got two kids of her own after all and Crown Prince Ben is Mal's age. She'd have a friend over there who'd be an impressive alliance, one worthy of her rank as a Godling."

"And what if Beast assigns you to the Isle permanently?"

"You think Beast is dumb enough to risk the wrath of my mother?" Persephone asked. "Mother introduced the mortals to winter the first time I went to the Underworld. I don't think Beast wants to risk that happening again even if it'd be a logical choice for him."

Hades sighed. "Steph, I went through four years of not being able to see Mal. And now you expect me to just jump at the thought of you taking Mal to Auradon of all places?"

"Hades, I know it's not ideal," Persephone said. "But getting Mal to Auradon, getting her to a place with a medical system, is what's best for her. If that ankle's broken and it's not healed properly, she could be looking at a limp for the rest of her life."

"She's a Godling though."

"Even the Gods can get injuries that can last a lifetime. Just look at Hephaestus."

Hades sighed, knowing his wife had a point. But at the same time, the last thing he wanted was for Persephone to be banished permanently to the Isle.

She had a goodness about her that would easily be snuffed out by the other villains of the Isle and he knew that she'd be devastated by all those she couldn't help once the supplies she brought over ran out.

"Hades," Persephone said gently. "I know the risks. I know there's a possibility that I'll end up here on the Isle full time. Even though I know Beast isn't dumb enough to risk my mother's wrath, there's still the possibility. But I have to do this. Just think about how much easier it'd be for Mal to heal in Auradon rather than having to heal on the Isle? Having to fake not being injured around the other kids or worse Maleficent?"

"'re right," Hades sighed. "If Mal pretends like she's not hurt, that ankle's not going to heal properly and she'll be guaranteed to have problems with it all her life depending on how badly Maleficent injured her."

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