Chapter 2: The Steps

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This morning I wanted to make sure I get to the steps as early as possible. I even wake up before eight o'clock, which is saying a lot about me because I try to sleep until ten. Pulling on my usual clothes, consisting of a plain colored t-shirt, a thin flannel, loose jeans and shoes, I get ready for the day. I pull my beanie back on my head as I grab my gear and headed for the door.

The city is wide awake even though it's only nine o'clock. Pedestrians are gathered at coffee shops and restaurants while I pass the sweet, caffeine filled stores.

I come to an intersection and wait to cross, the steps now in my sight as the building they lead up to tower over them. The usual mob of homophobic protesters are beginning to gather. About two dozen are standing there with their signs and banners waving in the light breeze.

Beyond them, I spot a body laying back on the steps, right by the place I usually sit. I see their dark hair blowing lightly in the wind, dark sunglasses on the bridge of their nose as their head leans back on one of the steps. The body appears to be male with their long legs stretching out beneath them on lower steps.

The lights change causing me to jog across the stripped piece of walking space to city hall. The crowd of angry people continues to grow slowly as new people show up one by one.

My eyes don't shift from the guy relaxing in my spot. He's wearing dark jeans and some canvas shoes. An old looking rock band shirt is hugging his chest and arms, highlighting his tan looking skin. He looks so casual, so content with just sitting there, just being.

I clear my throat as I stand there awkwardly, just a few steps below where his long stretch of legs lay. He looks up and I see that oh so familiar sexy grin form on his lips.

"Hello, Caleb." The guy says, lifting his head and sitting up straighter. When he continues to smile, I can't help but notice the lip ring hooking through his bottom lip.

"Wow, Logan?" My jaw drops and I don't try to pick it up.

"Suits aren't my thing." He waves at his body like he had last night. "This is how I look outside of work."

Oh, God. I'm glad suits aren't his thing because I like this new thing a lot more than I should.

I sit down next to him, leaving a gap of a foot between us. For the rest of the day we talk, laugh and get to know each other. He talks about his job with his dad and I tell him about my art portfolio for the studio I'm working for. I show him my vast array of sketches from the flowers I drew a few days ago to the protesters I've been working on since yesterday.

"It's so annoying, you know what I mean?" He groans, looking from the sketch of protesters to the actual human beings.

"I know, but probably for a different reason." I roll my eyes at the crowd and their continuous chants.

"What do you mean, 'for a different reason'?" He leans back on his elbow closest to me.

"Well, I mean. If you couldn't tell, I'm gay, something they are so overly against." I wave a hand at the crowd of about a hundred. Even a few reporters are surrounding them, shooting stories for the late night news. It's only about seven o'clock in the evening yet the sun is still hovering at the horizon.

"Oh," Logan sighs. Silence passes as the two of us watch the crowd yelling at the building behind us. "I'm glad you are."

My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as my heart stutters.

"What?" I ask, looking down at him since I'm sitting up while he's leaning down. He's quite near me now that I'm seeing him fully.

"I mean, why else wouldn't the mayor change his thought of letting gay marriage be legalized? I was a major factor in the decision, being his only son and gay at the same time."

"You're gay?" I say before I can stop myself.

He lets out a glorious laugh and I can't help but laugh along with him. By now, he's taken off his sunglasses to reveal his beautiful eyes. Brown eyes have never been my favorite eye color, but damn, they're my favorite because of him.

"I know you don't listen to Bruce Springsteen." He grins at me, sitting up next to my body.

"Am I that transparent?" I laugh as my skin grows hot.

"No, not really. I was just guessing." He looks back at the crowd of people. A look crosses his face and he stands up. "Want to do something crazy?"

"Oh god, is this like when you said hot sauce and jalapenos mixed at lunch? Because trust me when I say my mouth is still stinging from that."

"Oh, please. You loved that!" He chuckles when I fan my open mouth. "C'mon, Caleb."

I reach a hand out and he pulls me up, leading me down the steps to the pavement where the crazy mob stood along with cameras and reporters.

We're about ten feet away from the edge of the crowd when he stops. He lets go of my hand and brings his hand up to do a loud, high pitch whistle, gaining everyone's attention. Almost everyone goes silent when they see that it's the mayor's son and all eyes are on us.

"Logan, what're we-"

Immediately, Logan pulls my body to his, his hands cupping my face as he fits his lips on mine. Completely shocked by his movements, I react as I would in any situation as amazing as this one. I shut my damn eyes and kiss the guy back like there's no tomorrow.

I hear my heartbeat in my ears along with the faint booing and screaming from the crowd. After a few seconds of what seems like heaven to me, we pull away from each other, completely breathless.

His hands are still on my cheeks as my hands slowly untangle themselves from his hair. His eyes hold the same twinkle as the one in my own eyes. He pecks my lips once more and then we stare at each other. Seconds later, we burst out into laughter. His hands fall away from me to go grip his gut and I hold onto him to keep steady, my legs feeling like goo.

Camera flashes blind me and I grip Logan tighter, pulling him close to me as his hand goes around my waist, doing the same. I turn my head to look at him.

He leans in to my ear, whispering, "I'm glad you didn't push away and slap me."

"I don't think I could do that to a guy who bought me a twenty dollar cassette of Bruce Springsteen." I chuckle at him.

"Twenty two dollars, actually." He corrects, and the cameras continue to flash, as the mob protests our fairly gay pride filled kiss.

"And every time I won't play it, I'll think of you." I drag him up the steps to where we had just been sitting.

We collect our belongings and make our way down the steps, through the throng of people and to the intersection. We run across when we're allowed and he laces his fingers between mine, clasping them together.

"It's funny to say," I begin. "But I can see the headlines streaming across the television screens at home: Mayor's reckless son thrown into jail for disturbing homophobic mob." I laugh to myself.

"Oh, c'mon! It wasn't that bad." He grins at me. "Well, I don't regret it one bit." His eyes look from the city's bright lights and over to me. His smile warms my heart and continues to cause my legs to get weak.

But, oh god. Just like a chocolate shop, he looks so damn good.

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Question: Do you believe in love?

By ChanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora