Chapter 4: Let's Join A Gang

Start from the beginning

"You know, I almost believed the hype. Everyone really thought you guys left for good. 4 months without a trace and here you are." Dion says as two Royals open the back of the truck & Neshon falls out. Dion looks at Neshon. "Kidnapping innocent civilians??" He says angrily. Steam starts coming off his body as his muscles start to swell up. The rest of the Royals come forward as they start transforming. Dion let's put a roar of battle and  a Corp officer empties a clip in his stomach. Dion laughs as the officer realizes his bullets have no effect. Dion grabs the gun and crumples in into a tiny ball with no effort.

"Pathetic, this is who the people fear? He kisses teeth. Kill them & save the good parts for chicken over rice." He says.

Neshon is hiding in in the nearby bushes watching the carnage. He runs toward the subway and boards the 5 express train that was about to leave the station. He exhaled as the train leaves the station. He sits down in the seat at the end of the train prepared for the long ride back home to queens.

Corporation HQ
Midtown Ny
8:46 am Later that morning

The board room is full of smoke and misery as O moves to the front of the room.

"It's fair to say that the last board meeting was a failure but I'm proud to say that we have resumed experimentation and it's going far better than even the last trial-" O says before I interrupts.

"Thanks to me of course..." I interjects.

"Yes, your department finally did its job. Thank you. Anyway, we passed trials 1 through 5 and the second half of them are looking to be a success as well. We will have another update at our next meeting." O says with an annoyed tone.

"All that is nice but we have a more pressing issue... With our absence in the boroughs, gang activity is on the rise again. I fear they may complicate things." D says.

"Let them kill each other.. we will have as much time as we need to repopulate our new world." He says as he exhales a big cloud of smoke. "After all, we are the past, present and future." V adds.

"And as long as we continue in our efforts. Phase two will commence in two summers time." O also adds.

"Excellent, I expect to hear good things next time we meet." C says as the meeting concludes.

RETLAS Hideout
Bedstuy, Ny
1 pm

Neshon knocks on the door to the hideout & as Suri lets him in he fills her in on everything that happened that night. Suri relieved that Neshon is okay, invites him to come in the living room to sit & he observes the many people in the busy living room.

"What's all this?" Neshon asks.

"Expansion. Trees need all the space they can get for strong roots. why not turn the projects into a fortress?" She asks. "You got a point there. Speaking of that. Last night I got a taste of war & I want in. I can handle myself." Neshon tells Suri.

Suri doesn't even have to think about it.

"Nah bro, I cant have anything to happen to you bro. This shit is deeper than you can even imagine. One little fight doesn't show me that you're built for it. It may have just been lucky. After all you're the last childhood friend I have left." Suri explains to Neshon.

"Niggas die everyday bro. It's cool though, I do what I gotta do out here regardless." He says.

Neshon heads towards the door and opens it "'re not the only childhood friend I have." Neshon says right before he slams the door behind him.

Suri pays him no mind & goes back to the living room where her pledges are sitting down. Successfully passing the initiation, only 25% of the people who pledged actually survived. Their golden eyes shine through the darkness of the apartment. Suri lays down blueprints & starts to consult with Osal.

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