Chapter Three - Part One

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They entered the wooded area behind the graveyard. The trees were tall and their branches blocked the sunlight. It was a beautiful moonlight night. The two of them entered and kept to the trees. Then, they noticed something on the ground. A body. It was a boy with fluffy brown hair wearing a tattered green shirt and jeans. 

Tommy looked at Wilbur, "Do you think he's alive?" he asked. 

"Hard to tell but it doesn't look like he's dead. Maybe he fainted. Let's check him out." 

Tommy and Wilbur approached the boy. 

"Are you okay?" 

The boy didn't respond. 

"Do you think we should poke him with a stick or something?" Tommy questioned. 

"I don't think so. He'll be fine. Just... check for a pulse. If he has one, it could be faint. Otherwise, we'll have to do CPR." 

"Whatever you say, big man!" Tommy kneeled down next to the boy and checked his pulse. He then looked back at Wilbur. "He's definitely got a pulse." 

 Wilbur bent down next to the boy. 

"Does he look unconscious?" 

"No. What'd you have in mind?" 

"We should carry him home." 

"Yeah. Yeah, we should. Let's pick him up." 

Tommy and Wilbur picked up the boy and carried him home. It was a long walk back to the house, especially since they were carrying someone but they finally made it. The boy still hadn't woken up so they gently placed him on the couch and put a blanket over him. 

"Well, what do we do now?" asked Tommy. 

"It's late, I think the best thing to do is just head to bed and hope he wakes up in the morning," Wilbur responded. 

"Hm. Yeah, that makes sense." 



The two friends went to their rooms, but they both kept an eye on the boy. He didn't move. Tommy was the first to fall asleep. Wilbur was just dozing off when the boy began to twitch. He woke up and saw that the boy was awake. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Wilbur asked. 

The boy looked around. "I just woke up." He said. 

"Yeah. Do you... want to tell me what happened?" 

"I don't know. I'm not real good with... you know... emotions and all. But I just remembered something." 

Wilbur sat up. "What?" 

"I... I think I saw a purple eye." 

Wilbur's eyes widened. "A purple eye? Are you sure?" 

"Yes." He was fairly certain about it. 

 "Well, it's probably nothing," Wilbur said. 

"It was most likely just an enderman." 

The boy nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Anyway uhh..where am I? And who are you?" 

"I'm Wilbur, and this is my house. My friend Tommy and I saw you passed out in the woods and brought you here." 

"Oh, well thank you for taking me to safety. My name's Tubbo by the way." 

"Tubbo? That's a strange kind of name," Wilbur said. "Why did you choose that name?" 

"No real reason. I just like it." 

"Well, sit down, and let's see if we can't figure out what the heck happened to you," said Wilbur.

"Okay. Thanks." Tubbo said. 

"No problem. Do you want a drink of water? You must be thirsty." 

"Yes please." He held out his arm. 

Wilbur reached into the next room and brought back a glass of water. He handed it to Tubbo. 



He took the glass and drank it down. 

"Now I feel better." 

"You're welcome," Wilbur said with a kind smile. "So, do you want to talk about what happened or would you prefer to rest and talk about it in the morning?" 

"I think I'd like to rest now. Could I sleep here?" 

"Yeah, I think that would be fine." Wilbur agreed. 

"Good." He closed his eyes and soon he was asleep. 

Once Tubbo fell asleep, Wilbur walked back to his room and went to bed.

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