Chapter Two

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 "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Tommy shouted. 

"It's gone. Why'd it even come here in the first place?" 

"I told you... it wanted us to kill it." Wilbur replied. 

"Why would it WANT us to kill it?" That doesn't make any sense.."

"Maybe it's a crazy person? Trapped in a mask?" 

"It's not a person." 

"What do you know?" 

"I know because I'm a human being. I know what it's like to be trapped in a mask. I also know what it's like to be hunted down and killed." 

"You don't know any of that." 

"I do. It took me a long time to figure out who I was but with some effort, I managed to figure it out." 

"Well... you're special. Do you know why?"

"Why? Because I'm different, obviously. But, that's not my only differentiating characteristic." 

"Okay. So what's your other attribute?" 

"I possess a heightened sense of awareness." 

"That's it?!" 

"Well, that's not all of it but... you get the point." 


"So, where will we look for this... person?" 

"Let's try the graveyard." 

Tommy and Wilbur set out towards the graveyard.It was about a half a day's walk from the town.It was almost night by the time they arrived.They stayed off the roads and kept to the trees. Once they arrived at the graveyard they both immediately noticed that something felt off. The grounds were freshly mowed and there was a path that led to and from the road but something wasn't right. They felt it in their bones.Tommy was the first to break the silence. 

"Do you think something's in here, Wilbur?" 

"I don't know, but it's the only logical explanation." 

"Okay. Let's go explore." 

They approached the back of the graveyard. The grass was high and weeds grew between the stones. As the two of them walked, they kept their eyes peeled. They walked all the way to the back and still didn't see anything. They went back to the front of the graveyard and still, no one saw anything. They stood there for a few minutes longer with no results. 

"I don't like this, Wilbur. I really don't." 

"Me neither. Let's go." 

Tommy and Wilbur left the graveyard. They walked back towards the town. 

"Well, we tried. We'll just have to return home then." Tommy said. 

"No, we can't just abandon this. Something's wrong. I can't put my finger on it but there is something. I can't explain it." 

"Okay. Okay. We'll explore some more and then we'll go home." 

"Just promise me we'll go home." 

"I promise." 

They went back to the graveyard to explore some more. And they still couldn't find the creature. They decided to leave and go into the woods behind the graveyard. 

"Wilbur! I don't feel right about going in there!" 

"I know but we need to. This is the only logical explanation." 


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