Chapter One - Part Two

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"Is... is it the monster?" 

"I think so." 

"Then why'd it...why'd it only attack you?" 

"I think it only attacked me because I annoyed it. I've become somewhat of an irritation over the years.." Wilbur said with a sigh.

"What do we do?" 

"I think we should be careful. I'm not sure what that monster is but something about it feels..human." 


"Yeah." Wilbur nodded. 

"Look at its eyes... they're the wrong color." 

 Tommy squinted. "'s wearing a mask those are not its real eyes." 

"I know. But it still feels like it could've been a person." 

"And what about that scream... it wasn't a zombie was it?" 

Wilbur shook his head. "Definitely not a zombie. All zombies do is groan I've never seen one that can scream." 

"So what was it then?" 

"I think this monster is actually a person but it's just so hard to tell since its whole body is covered by that green cloak." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"The monster... its cloak." 

 Tommy looked at the monster's cloak. It covered the entire thing from head to toe. 


"Look at the eyes.." said Wilbur. 

Tommy looked at the monster's eyes. They appeared normal. 

"What about it?" 

"Look at the pupils... they're not rounded." 

"What are you getting at?" 

"It's a person. The monster is a person," said Wilbur. 

Tommy stared in confusion. "How do you see pupils? It's wearing a mask that covers the things whole face and the eyes look scribbled on." 

 "How could you even tell?" 

"I used to work with animals. I'm pretty good at it." 

"Okay. Well, what are we going to do?" 

"I think we should kill it. I don't think it would be smart to let it get away since we know it's a person." 

"We don't know that. It could be a monster. You said yourself it's hard to tell with those claws." 

 "Claws? What claws? It's barely even a monster. Look at how it walks. It's almost human." 

Wilbur nodded. "Yes. It could be an illusion." 

Tommy facepalmed. "Wilbur that's ridiculous. I can't believe I'm the one who has to say this but you need to think realistically here." 

 "I'm just saying it's a possibility. Nothing is certain. We could be dealing with a crazy person or a person trapped inside a crazy. I'm just saying it's a possibility." 

"You're right." Tommy sighed. 

"Anyways, enough arguing about what it is, what are we going to do about this thing?" 

"Well, I know karate." Wilbur smiled. 

 "Do you now?" 

"My grandfather taught it to me. I used to have a black belt but it seems the memories have faded." 

"What memories?" 

"Well, I used to have a father. I guess this is sort of his doing, along with my mother. He was a great man... Karate was in his family for generations. But, apparently, through some sort of tragedy, Karate became illegal. He would often say to my father that if Karate ever became illegal in this country, he would just take it over himself. Well, that's what he wanted to do, I guess. Anyway, his dying wish was for me to learn the art. My father was a good man, but he was never really a good student. He didn't have the discipline. So my father had the belt sent to me."

"Where is it?" 

"I don't know." Wilbur shrugged. "They took away my father. Maybe they thought he had it." 

 Tommy nodded. 

"Okay, we'll get it back. How do you plan to do that?" 

"We're going to kill the monster." 

Tommy grabbed Wilbur's shoulder. "Wilbur no, what if it's a person? We can't just kill them." 

"We'll figure out a way to test their identity, I'm sure." 

The two stood there and tried to think of a way to figure out its true identity. But once they came up with something they realized the monster had left and they went through all of that for no reason.

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