Chapter 2

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Aimsey stood at one of the towns gates which led to the outside world. Aimsey was given the job to help visitors.

They chose her because of her normal job: a therapist - it's actually how her and Tommy met. So the town had always decided to have her be the one to introduce new comers to the festival.

Aimsey both loved and hated this job - she could meet new cultures, people, some times people will give her souvenirs from their home, whether it's food or some kind of object.

The negative side to this job was having to deal with people assuming she is a child, for you see -

Aimsey is short



It was very annoying, she couldn't reach high places, people assumed she was a child - and she hates being assumed to be a child! She's 20! But she deals with it.

It was the second day of the festival, she wasn't forced to work as a sort of helper to new comers the whole festival but she did have to do it on the 2nd and 6th day.

This wasn't too bad the activities on those days were interesting, but nothing Aimsey would get upset over not being able to participate in.

Not just that, on the sixth day, it was very rare for more people to arrive - after all that was the second to last day and people would usually arrive on the 2nd, 3rd and sometimes the 4th but after was very rare - meaning she could slack of.

She stood, leaning on the gate, bored out her mind, no one was entering through this gate, she knew people arriving. Whenever she glanced into the town she'd see a few new visitors that must of entered through one of the other gates.

The only, very few, people that passed through this gate, had been coming for years stopping to say hi and speak to Aimsey but not needing a tour or help, leaving Aimsey alone and bored again.

All she could do was stand and wait.

Of course until a large group, that was obviously very new, from their nervous and excited glances at the town.

"Hello there!" Aimsey exclaimed, excited to finally be released from her pit of boredom.

"This is Rezumi village - and it is the place holding the festival of blessings? Right?" A grey winged, blonde man asked.

"Yes it is! If you want I can show you around if you want!" Aimsey confirmed approaching the group.

"Oh you don't have to do that kid!" The winged man said.

Aimsey sighed

"One it was the job I was given, and two I'm short, and 20." Aimsey explained.

"Oh... Well lead the way" the blonde man reluctantly said.

And so that's what Aimsey did, she toured them around the food stalls, different hotels they could stay, and the community board, which was decorated with different timings for different events.

She even showed them to random, cool hangout spots.

"Well that should be all you need to know." Aimsey said as she finished the tour.

The winged man she learned was named Phil smiled.

"Well thank you. We'll make sure to use the information wisely" Phil told her.

Aimsey smiled them waved before turning away to walk back to the gate, she was so very excited to go back to her wonderful boredom.

But at least she got to meet some new people.


The loud calling of her name took her off guard causing her to jump in shock. She turned to face the now hysterically laughing individuals.

"It wasn't funny" she exclaimed.

"Are you sure, because I'm pretty sure that was peak comedy my friend" Billzo claimed hardly catching his breath from the laughter.

"How about you take a break, no one new is arriving right now." Freddie offered as an attempt to cheat her up.

"Well I'll have you know a whole big group of people just entered a few minutes ago, and they needed my help! So I'm fine right here!" Aimsey exclaimed irritated.

"Totally." Tommy said, grabbing Aimsey pulling her away from the gate.

"Wait! I'm supposed to stay at the gate!"
Aimsey tried fighting out of his grasp.

"No one takes the job seriously except you. Come on let's have some fun!" Bill claimed, "they've got the talent show in a few minutes, Hannah is gonna take part, let's go watch."

Aimsey huffed and stopped fighting.


"Well then let's hurry up before it starts!"

They hurried to the town centre, where a large round stage sat. On top of the stage was a parrot hybrid named Bekaymon.

"I welcome you all to my wonderful stage, where many amazing acts are about to take part. Before we started I wanted to give a huge thank you to our visitors, joining us for such a momentous occasion! And a good luck for our performance" Bekayomon took a bow as the crowd clapped and cheered.

The first performance was a young girl named Magic singing, then an archery performance by a man by the name Owen, and a strange knife throwing contest between two people named Krow and Oeca.

Then it was Hannah's go.

She presenting her aura. Something rare but beautiful. She grew beautiful plants around her, them blooming causing gasps in the audience, it was a rainbow of petals, and everything breathed true life for just a moment.

When she left the stage there were loud chaotic screams and cheers of approval to her beautiful performance.

And all she could do to react was smile with joy.

"You did awesome" Boomer told her.


There was a small silence.

"Heyyyyyyy how about.... We get food before the stalls get really busy?" Freddie asked, recieving a few yeahs and nods.

And so they went off in search of a nice meal.


A/N :

Hey I'm back I'm sorry I was gone for so long, it was criminal of me, but I am back and should start posting more, I know the direction of where I want this series to go and I want to have it reach a conclusion no matter how long it takes, and I hope you join me in it's wild ride!

Word count: 1040

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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