I'm Beyond Lies, Lizzie

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I fidgeted with my sleeves, I scanned the crowd for Joel but I couldn't find him. I had spent and hour getting ready. My friend Yasmine (Yammy for short) had lent me a dress. It was soft pink with lighter tulle on top, it reached my knees and the sweetheart neckline was dotted with silver sequins. The sleeves were off the shoulder and slightly see through, my hair was down and curled into soft waves. It really portrays the Valentine spirit, I thought.

"Looking for me?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around, Joel was grinning and looking me up and down.

"No, I was waiting for you." I beamed. I pulled him onto the dance floor.

"Oh," He looked embarrassed. "I don't know how to dance."

"I'll teach you." I smiled sheepishly. I place my hands on his shoulders. "Now put one hand on my waist and one on my shoulder."

"This feels weird." Joel commented. I laughed brightly. We swayed to the music and I remembered something very important.

"Hey, who do you think will be chosen as Valentine King and Queen?" I asked thoughtfully. He shrugged.

"As long as I get you for the night I don't care." He smirked. I blushed.

"Do you like my dress?" I asked spinning around. He leaned closer and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Yes." He breathed. I grinned, even Oli said that I looked fabulous. I guess this itchy dress did have its purpose. "And," He continued. "You were so stunning I couldn't breathe when I first saw you."

"Liar." I giggled.

"I'm beyond lies, Lizzie." He murmured. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Joel I-" I started, but I was interrupted by the speaker in the corner of the auditorium making an announcement.

"Dear fellow students of WestBook High, please divert your attention to the stage where the judges for this years Valentines Couple with be announcing their pick. Me and Joel turned toward the stage. Principal Wrym and Vice Principal Norsche stood up from their seats.

"For this years King and Queen, we have decided to let people nominate a King using votes. Then, the staff will pick who they think suits them best as partners." Principal Wrym declared.

"Now, please write a nomination for the King on the slip of paper and place it inside of the box." Vice Principal Norsche continued.

When they finished speaking, hordes of girls flooded the box. I bet they were all voting for Joel. He was, the only actually attractive guy in the 20 mile radius. Wait, attractive?! Where did that come from? We're just attending the dance as friends and nothing more.

15 Minutes later

"We have gathered the votes!" Principal Wrym said, enthusiastically. He looked that the paper he was holding. "And this years Valentine King will be?! Joel!" He finished.

All the girls squealed and jumped around excitedly. Joel walked onstage and smirked at me. Of course he knew he was going to be picked.

"And, for the Valentines Queen! Drumroll please!" The Vice Principal called dramatically. Every girl in the auditorium held their breath and crossed their fingers.

"Lizzie Dwyer!" I gasped, I was shocked. I hurried onstage and took my place next to Joel. I could practically feel everyone's eyes burning holes into my back as I walked up the steps. 

"See? I told you Lizzie, you were meant to be with me." He quipped. Then, he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me.

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