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"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞

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"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞."

It's now 3:40 in the afternoon, You and Akaashi spent most of the time in the restaurant asking questions and just talking. He was now walking you home, but you guys decided to ask each other questions until you arrived at your house. It's now Akaashis turn to ask you something. "When's your birthday?" It was silent before you answered, "December 4th!" Akaashi was stunned for a bit.

"Really? Mines the 5th!" You looked at him with a shocked expression, that expression slowly turning into a bright smile. "No way! That's so cool!!" You jumped up and down excitedly. You soon calmed down, ready to ask Akaashi something now. "Have you—been in a relationship?" You turned your head towards Akaashi whose eyes had softened. "I—uh, you don't have to answer it!!" You panicked a bit thinking you asked about a soft topic.

"No it's okay!... I was actually in two relationships, one was an healthy break up which I'm glad for," he paused before continuing. "I guess my second relationship just didn't work out, wasn't meant to be, you know?" You frowned at how sad Akaashi sounded. You weren't good at comforting people so you just kept silent, like you'd always do.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" Akaashi asked, he looked at you as he turned his head. "Yeah," Before speaking again, you smiled. "Funny thing is, I don't believe in love anymore." You chuckled uneasily, but Akaashi only stared at you, curious. "How come?" Akaashi inquired. "It never felt real—in the end, someone is always wounded, and no matter how hard you try to find love again and again, there's always that one person who's there by themselves."

You had a sorrowful smile on your face. While you guys continue walking, Akaashi merely stares at the sky. "I still believe in love," he says. You admired how he still believed in love when you looked at him. "Of course, love will break people in the end. You can't do anything about it; all you can do is let it go, and when it does, smile and thank it for stopping by." You looked shocked hearing what Akaashi had said, and before you could even say anything back Akaashi interrupted you.

"I guess we're already at your house," says Akaashi. You both came to a halt. You turned to Akaashi and thanked him for today, adding that you had a great time—except for the point where you were harassed. You began heading to your front door, unlocked it, and then turning around with a smile on your face as you were ready to enter. "Akaashi! It's my turn to ask you something right?—What's your favorite color?" Akaashi simply smiled.

"You are"

Without a doubt, you were shocked. You entered the house to find your mother sitting on the couch, watching tv. "How did it go?" Your mother had inquired. "It was fun." Was one way to put it; you wasn't going to tell her about how some grown man attempted to persuade you to give him your number because, knowing her, she'd tell you you wouldn't be able to go out again, and she'd mean it.

You walked into your room and quickly took your diary and pencil from your desk. This was your response when any small thing happened to you, you'd write it in your diary. 

Dear Diary,

I hung out with Akaashi today, the same one I bumped into when I lost my diary at the park. We went to this restaurant I was planning to go to already, glad I got to go either way!:) I had fun with him, he's funny, plays volleyball, smart, and really caring. He's 17 years old(just like me!!) and his birthday is December 5th (a day after mines!!!) his favorite food is boiled rapeseed plants with karashi mustard dressing and he's 5'11. Though I always make time to hang out with him during school, this hangout was different. I cant really point out what exactly was different, I just know it was.

y/n ♡︎

You sighed grabbing your phone going on Instagram, you scroll and you saw akaashi jad posting something an hour ago.


Someone's camera shy 🙄🙄

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Someone's camera shy 🙄🙄

Like [♥️]  Comment [💬]

   ﹂fuckoffk ur so lonely it's sad lol
thisisntnoya THIS BETTER NOT BE Y/N.
   ﹂notbald BRO IT LOOKS LIKE IT:(
   ﹂thisisntnoya BROOO
s.kosh @s.dai .. and the way you never take me out to eat.🙄
Fukudaahatesu who the hell is that?

You were smiling while scrolling through the comments. Your smile slowly faded once you saw Fukudas comment. You totally forgot that Fukuda had a crush on Akaashi. "Am I a bad friend?" You thought, sitting in the chair near your desk while staring at the ceiling.

You sighed thinking on how pissed Fukuda would be once she finds out you was hanging around her crush, but then again it's not like he's her property? She can't control who her crush hangs around, right? "Well, for my sake—I won't fall in love with Akaashi," you softly smiled, not wanting Fukuda to be mad or heartbroken.


You had no idea you were already falling for him.


Have a good day/evening/night
Whenever you read this!<333

note : so so sorry, I forgot to add that when akaashi said "smile and thank it for stopping
by." That quote is from a poem by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye called, "When Love Arrives."

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