Chapter 107: Sports Festival

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Izuku was ridiculously grateful for Crawlers ability to do quick turns as he watched Ingenium hold off the hero killer. Thankfully, Stain's main strategy was using the element of surprise to get the drop on his victims, so Izuku's interference had put him at a disadvantage. He was still pretty fast, but that didn't count for much against a speed-based hero like Ingenium, so for the moment, they were just dodging eachother's blows in a terrifying dance and waiting for the other to slip up. It wasn't the best, but it was better than Ingenium bleeding out with no back up, so Izuku was gonna take what he could get.

"Crawler is about a minute out." Izuku said. "The rest of your team has been informed and more back-up is on the way, but Crawler's the fastest."

"Good" Ingenium panted. "This guy's a pain."

Izuku chuckled and went to check on Crawler, but a cry called his attention back to Ingenium, who was now bleeding heavily, "Ingenium!"

"I'm fine." Ingenium grunted. "It looks bad, but the cut's not too deep. I can still fight."

"You fake heroes never know when to give up." Stain licked his katana and Ingenium collapsed onto the floor. "You should just stay down."

"I...I can't move." Ingenium's voice was laced with the beginnings of panic. "I can't move!"

Izuku immediately linked to Crawler's comm, "Ingenium is down. I repeat, Ingenium is down! It's an ingestion based blood paralyzation."

Crawler pushed himself even faster, "A what?!"

Izuku scrambled for his weapons, but they wouldn't do any good. He was useless, "Whatever you do, don't let Stain drink your blood."

"Don't get bit by the vampire." Crawler nodded. "Got it."

"Viridian?" Ingenium's whisper made Izuku perk up, blinking back a tear. "Tell Tenya I'm sorry."

Izuku watched desperately as Stain raised his katana again, "Hurry..."

He flinched as the katana came down, but he forced himself to watch, figuring he owed Ingenium that much, so he didn't miss it when Stain was suddenly thrown against the wall by a burst of air.

"Seriously, Stendall?" Crawler scowled as he crouched at the entrance to the ally. "Ingenium's one of the good ones."

Nedzu scurried away as soon as the first team of heroes was on route to their location. He'd landed oddly on his ankle when he'd fallen into the tunnels, or at least he must have because it was hurting, but he ignored it and focused on running faster than the villain chasing him. Shigaraki had disintegrated parts of the floor to gain access to the tunnels and was using his quirk to destroy every obstacle in his way during the chase, something that Nedzu planned to take full advantage of. He ducked through holes in the walls and tight squeezes, leading Shigaraki in a tight circle until he'd disintegrated the supports for the floor immediately above them, then scurried up the ladder and onto one of the remaining steady pieces of flooring as the section they'd been under suddenly collapsed and trapped his opponent. It wouldn't hold him for long, obviously, but considering that Rock Lock was currently using pieces of rubble to cross the gap, it was more than long enough for backup to arrive.

Rock Lock skidded to a stop beside him right as the rubble in the hole started to disintegrate, "What's the situation?"

Nedzu nodded toward where Shigaraki was pulling himself up, the hand on his face knocked askew and several of the others missing, "The villain factory. We managed to take care of miss Queen Bee but it does appear that All for One took an issue with that. I am not sure of Kurogiri's current location, but Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Midnight are already on route."

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