Chapter 18: Return of NegaDuck (Part 2)

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A few hours later, Darkwing Duck was just waking up from his sleep and sees his arch-nemesis, NegaDuck

NegaDuck: Well, we met again. WD.

Darkwing Duck: What do you want? 

NegaDuck: I want my revenge. You took everything away from me! 

Darkwing Duck: What are you talking about? 

NegaDuck takes off his hat and mask and reveals himself much to Darkwing Duck's shock

Darkwing Duck: Jim Starling? 

NegaDuck: Missed me? 

Darkwing Duck: But I thought--

NegaDuck: Thought I died? Well, I survived the expulsion. After that, my clothes have changed into NegaDuck. It was finally my chance for revenge. I even got a job at Merlock's place. But he was arrested, so I came to work for Tim. But what he doesn't know is I'm actually doing something different to his plan. I'm using this weapon, to destroy you. Then I destroy everything else you love. 

Meanwhile, back at the lair, the team was just waking up from their sleep

Huey: Huh? What happened? 

Gosayln: We've been knocked out, that's what happened. 

Huey: This isn't good. Saint Canard is in Big Trouble by the evil NegaDuck. Dark Mallard is gonna get killed! 

Launchpad: What do we do? 

Huey: Computer! Show us where this NegaDuck guy, is? 

The computer shows a map that leads to NegaDuck's hideout 

Huey: Where on earth is that place? 

Launchpad: Near the Hotel. 

Everyone looks at Launchpad confused

Launchpad: What? I've been here a lot of times. I help Drake fight crime. 

Huey: Can you lead us there? 

Launchpad: Sure, c'mon. 

When they got to the Hotel, Huey goes in to get Scrooge and Webby out of the Hotel knowing that they're in danger

Huey: Uncle Scrooge! Webby! 

Scrooge: Huey? 

Webby: What are you doing here? 

Huey: You 2 have gotta leave right now! 

Scrooge: What? 

Huey: We're all in danger, I'm having a feeling Tim Martin is up to something BIG. And I don't want you 2 getting hurt. 

Scrooge: But what about--

Huey: We'll be okay. 

Webby: You sure? 

Huey: Not really, but go! 

Scrooge and Webby leave the Hotel and Huey goes back to Launchpad and Gosayln. Once they're gotten to the lair, they noticed that NegaDuck has created a weopan that can destroy Darkwing Duck. And Ace and Robert come to fight Huey, Gosayln and Launchpad to prevent them from saving Drake Mallard and defeating NegaDuck. Once they stopped the 2, they go up to stop NegaDuck

NegaDuck: Ah, look who's here. And just in time too! 

NegaDuck reveals his ray that will destroy Darkwing Duck

Huey: What is that?

NegaDuck: The machine that will destroy NegaDuck for good this time. 

Launchpad: You can't do this! 

NegaDuck: Too late! 

NegaDuck tries to get rid of Darkwing Duck, but Launchpad takes a bullet for him

Huey: Launchpad! 

Darkwing Duck: NO! 

NegaDuck: Oh well, that was worth it! 

Darkwing Duck: But he's your--

NegaDuck: It doesn't matter anymore. Now, time to get rid of you! 

Huey then releases his Duke of Making a Mess and starts attacking NegaDuck in vengeance for revenge. When Gosayln frees Darkwing Duck, Darkwing Duck gets a the vile that will save Launchpad from death. After that, NegaDuck pushes Huey far back and tries to get rid of him. But he was saved by Launchpad who was just saved by Darkwing Duck

Huey: Lauchpad! You're alive!?

Launchpad: Yeah, I don't know how either.

Huey: I'm so glad your alive! 

NegaDuck: No! My invention! Well, guess I'll--

Then, NegaDuck was hit by frying pan, which happens to be by Violet

Violet: Missed me? 

Huey: Violet, what are you doing here? 

Violet: Webby told me what happened, so I came here fast as I could. 

Huey: Well, I'm so glad your okay. 

Huey and Violet hug each other. Some time later, the police came and arrested Jim Starling for his crimes against Darkwing Duck. Then, Launchpad takes both Huey and Violet back to DuckBurg. When they got to DuckBurg, they soon discovered that they're family are not home

Huey: Wait, where is everyone? 

Violet: Wait, there's a note. Violet picks up the note and reads it:

Dear Huey, 

I got your family, don't think while you were gone, I was thinking of another plan. I took your family to the prison realm. I think it's time we test you. 

Tim Martin

Huey: C'mon Vi, we gotta go.

Violet: Right! 

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