Chapter 2 - Preparation

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Shortly they reached the heavy door of the armoury, they paused for a second "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Alouette whispered

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now, after we've come all the way down here?" Isolde retorted, preparing to push open the door.

"It's just that i've never been in here before, my parents don't let me because it's too dangerous."

Isolde gave an irritated sigh "We're only here to see if our guards are, we're not here to play with the weapons"

"But the man in the corridor said they were all at the gate"

"Be that as it may, do you seriously want to be alone in your room during a siege without any form of protection."

Alouette timidly shook her head.

"Exactly, then we have to do this." Isolde explained, giving a large push on the door. It opened slowly with an almighty creaking noise.

The armoury was more underwhelming than both had imagined, they'd expected a huge room filled floor to ceiling with daggers, arrows and swords, light bouncing off each piece of metal filling the room with light from all angles.

Instead they found a simply furnished room, small with two doors, the one they'd come in and another identical one at the opposite end. The walls were a basic cream colour and there were no windows. A large desk spanned most of the room with yet another door behind it, it was laden with books, quills, letters and seals, there was no hatch so neither woman could work out how someone could possibly get behind it.

Unsure of what to do, they took a seat on the singular piece of furniture in the room besides the desk, a low couch with red velvet. It was a very fine couch for such a plain room, golden edging and legs and an intricate pattern, possibly from a finer room but moved here when a better version was acquired, replacing it.

"Can I be of assistance?"

Their train of thought was broken by a sudden appearance of a man behind the desk, an older looking gentleman with thin glasses and the beginnings of a beard. He seemed to have popped up out of nowhere.

"Is this the armoury sir?" Isolde asked, standing up from her seat.

"Indeed m'lady" the man replied

Alouette wasn't convinced "Then where are all the weapons?"

"Curious question for a young princess." chuckled the man "They are stored in the next room behind this door.", he lifted a walking stick and tapped the door behind the desk to signify. "It's more secure that way, then they can't fall into the wrong hands."

"So how do people access the weapons then? If they are behind that door?" Isolde quizzed

"You fill an order"

"And where might one do that?"

"Here. The generals list the weapons they require, then we see to it that they are provided." he gestured to a stack of papers on the desk.

"And is it only generals who can request weapons?"

"Knights too, if they need replacement blades, or sharpening after a battle for example."

Now was her moment. "May I place an order?" Isolde sternly asked

The man looked taken aback, and a little offended "You place an order for weapons, a ladies maid! Of course not, I've never heard anything so ridiculous. What could a woman possibly want with blades?"

Alouette now intervened "Our guards, sir, have been removed and we have no-one stationed at our door, the castle is under siege and yet we have no protection. We appreciate that the guards might be required at the main gate but ask that we are provided with some form of weapon, even if only small, in case the worst happens."

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