=-Ex ? no , never (3)-=

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"Nah , that guy look like shit , i mean all those scars are for what ? they don't even suit him" That's what heard Damian when he wanted to get something from his locker , but quickly hid to listen what his 'boyfriend' is saying about him .

"Aren't you his boyfriend ? if you love him treat him like that  " the voice is really familiar , but he can't remember

After the question the hall became quiet , but then from nowhere , Marvin laughed .

"oh my , still sad that your little bro manadged to get your perfect dream boy ?" the blond wiped a fake tear

Was he really that naive to date someone as Marvin ? probably  

" you better shut it before you go crying to mom that i hit you "

"Is that a threat ?"

"A warning , but knowing your iq it's pointless to even talk with you "

"Are you calling me stupid ?!" Damian never knew Marvin could be such a drama queen , Grayson would be jealous

"Wow , how you understood ?" The guy clapped his hands in a sarcastic manner

"It doesn't matter , i'm still more handsome !" Marvin was handsome , but all the member of his family can be models , so Marvin's looks are ok.

"Dumbass ! we're twins , we look the same , just because you have blonde hair doesn't mean you're automatically pretty . Plus i am the who worked in the nearest market to get food when our parents had their own problems , i was the one who got you clothes , food and all the needs , only for you to tell the parents the work i did is your effort !" Damian is feeling a little of guilf listening to them , it's a personal matter after all , however Marvin lied , he never mentioned a brother while about Damian's family everyone knew almost everything .

"Don't make such a fuss , Mark" the young Wayne can feel how Marvin rolled his eyes 

"okay , then tell me at least a thing Damian likes " He wanted to hear Marvin saying maybe animals or books but the blond only groaned a time or two 

"just as I thought"

"what can you know ! he's not talking at all , it's so boring with him !" Was he really like that ? Damian remember listening to Marvin , he just liked to stay quiet , is it that much of a burden ?

"I know more about him than you will ever know " quite brave , thought Damian 

"Then tell me "

Mark sight "Damian is the youngets in his family , three older brother and sister , the best student at the moment with the best grades , Favourite colours red , green and black , a vegetarian who dearly love animals even tho i don't know how many and what animals he have he is kind enought to buy some food for the stray cats & dogs , donated money to many different orphanages and also for animals in need . Is really good at drawing and favourite place is the school library , do i need to continue ?" That was a lot , but how he knew Damian is the one who donated money ?

" Are you a stalker or something like this ?" a good question 

" I only observed , stalking is a bit too much "


The school is over , so Damian got his bag and went to a person he thought he will never visit . Harly Quinn .

She is the only available person , Dinah have her own things in another country , and Damian would never talk about his life with someone as his mother or father . Mother would suggest to decapitate Marvin , and father .....  would just give his credid card , even Drake have better advices  .

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