successful failure

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silco called everybody down to discuss the mission that he planned to go on this evening. it wasn't a big mission, but of course everything needs to be reviewed. you, sevika, jinx and the rest of silcos hench men and women walked into his office.
you sat on the couch next to sevika who didn't look any more like she wanted to be there then you. you and sevika are bestfriends and have been since you guys were five. you met at school during recess, shared a cosmic brownie together and it's been forever ever since. now you're here. it's not the best place but at least you guys have each other.
silco explained that you'd be going to a brothel to collect a hard drive from some topsider that has information on hextech and how make weapons out of it, how to use it medically and ethically. he said you'd be going undercover as one of the dancers and would have an appointment with the guy he needs the hard drive from. you didn't mind doing it but it did get awkward when it comes to dealing with one on one appointments with men. i mean, you are a lesbian after all. you sucked it up and got ready.

"you ready, bestie?" sevika said as she walked into your room. sevika has always been a tough girl but she occasionally let down her hairs with you. you got ready in your sluttiest outfit and covered up with a jacket. "yeah, almost just putting on some earrings." you looked up and took a good look at sevika. she cleaned up nicely. she let her hair down and somewhat curled it. she wore a nice black suit tailored perfectly to fit her body. "ooo! you look nice." you said as you smiled. "i'd say the same for you but i have no clue what you're wearing." she said sarcastically. you rolled your eyes. "you wouldn't you like to know." you laughed.

you and sevika both have feelings for each other but refuse to approach the topic. so you two flirt and throw playful jabs at each other. you make sure it doesn't go too far though knowing that sevika doesn't "do relationships " as she says. you know damn well that she does, she just doesn't want to admit it cuz she's a hardass.

you put on your shoes and grab your keys following sevika out the door. sevika offered to drive and who are you to let that up so you let her. watching sevika drive is like watching Picasso paint. theres something about the way her left hand held the steering wheel while the other held onto the gear. "hey, you okay?" she said snapping you out of your thoughts and stopping you from staring at her any longer. "yeah, i'm okay i just got lost in thought." you said. she gave you a reassuring nod and put her hand on her knee. simple things like this always made you flustered. she just had that affect on you.

sevika slowly moved her hand away from your knee. "oh, my fault i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." she said. you took her hand and placed it back on your knee just a little higher up this time. "no, no it's okay. i like it there." she gave you a small smile and you returned it. you let your hand stay on top of hers for the rest of the car ride and applauded yourself for this little boost of boldness you had.

-time skip: middle of mission things got a little heavy-

so, long story short you got the hard drive but obviously said man didn't like that so now you have to deal with a shootout. great, right?

sevika and you covered behind a wall to get away from the center of the fight. sevika realized you weren't wearing your jacket and saw what you decided to wear. it was a royal blue lingerie set that made you look like an absolute goddess.

something in sevikas mind switched. she went from serious to hungry. kind of like she just wanted to get the mission over with to do something else. prier to going on this mission things have been weird between you two. the tension was getting thicker and thicker and the more you chose to ignore it, the more it grew. but that's something to deal with later.

"we got to talk when we get back home." sevika said. "huh? about what?" you said trying to focus on reloading your gun and her taking at the same time. "it's about what's been going on between you and i." she said not wanting to dove right into the subject then and there. "sexual tension. there, that's what it is." you said fed up with what's going on around you. you had no time for her sugarcoating so you just said it. "read my mind. but i think we both know it's a little more than just sexual tension." she said loading shimmer into her arm. "yeah but we can figure that out later, we have more important things to do." you said. after your gun was reloaded, you went to step out from behind the wall to shoot but you leaned too far. one of the enemies ended up shooting you in the stomach. it wasn't bad enough to kill you but it is still a gunshot. you fell back onto the ground and held the wound with your hand. "y/n? what the fuck happened." sevika yelled. "leaned too far and he got me." you said. you were loosing blood by the second and sevika was trying everything in the book to get you to stabilize enough to get the mission over with and get out. you felt your head get heavy from blood loss and starting passing out "hey don't fall asleep okay? i need you awake so your shock doesn't get worse." sevika said as she slapped your face gently to get you to stay awake. she called silco after to get his help. everything after that was a blurr. i guess you didn't follow sevikas instructions.

you woke up in silcos nurses office. your head hurt and you were so confused. after your eyes adjusted to the light in the room you turned and saw a stressed and worried sevika sitting in a chair bouncing her leg. she loosed so anxious.

"sev?" you said tiredly. sevika looked up and got up to give you a soft hug. "hey sweetheart. you okay?" she said while touching your hair being careful not to hurt you. "yeah, stomach hurts but i think i'll be fine." you said. everything that happened before was a blur to you so sevika explained the whole thing. "well at least your okay." you said smiling. "but, you still wanted to talk to me." you said scared of what was about to come out of her mouth. sevika fixed her posture and continued to talk. "yeah your right. listen i'm a hard ass and i know i act like i don't want a lot of things when i do. i say i don't want a hug, but i do. i say i'm not hungry, but i am." she said laughing. "i've tried to convince myself that i don't want to be in a relationship with you for so long, but i do. i love you so much. your my bestfriend and you will be that before everything. but im not gonna lie, i want so much more than that." she said. sevikas always had a way with words even though she never expressed much emotion with them. "but i am a very hard person to love. it takes me time to adjust and i-" she said getting cut off. "and what makes you think that's gonna stop me from loving you? i'm a lot tougher than that, i can handle you. i want to handle you. i'm more ways then one." you said jokingly. sevika slightly smiled and put your face in her hand. you melted the minute they got within reach of your cheek. "so you love me? you're in love with me?" she said smiling, knowing your answer. you chuckled. "yes, sevika i am in love with you." you said. she grabbed your face and kissed you softly taking into account that you were still injured. as tough as sevika is she handled you like you were a newborn baby. like you were about to poof out of existence any second now.

and here was when you finally found true love.

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