your nurse

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I'm a nurse and i work with silco. and like any nurse that works in these sorts of situations, you see a lot of the same people with the same injuries. almost everyday, sevika comes in with something wrong with her. sometimes it's a bruised rib, a laceration, a broken nose, god you name it, i fix it. id fix her up and she's thank me and leave. we don't really speak much more than that. but never have i seen an injury too severe, until today.
i was sitting on a stool re-filing medical papers for silco and jinx when i heard a knock on my door. "it's open!" i screamed but i got no answer. i grew suspicious and got up to unlock it. the minute i opened the door sevika shoved past me and dragged herself to the couch. "oh god, what is it now?" i said. i didn't notice the severity of her injury until i actually took the time to look at it and process how bad it was. she sat on the couch with her head held back out of pain with her robotic arm ripped off leaving only her shoulder to remain. "sevika, what the fuck happened?" i walked over to the couch and took a seat next to her to examine her robotic arm. since i'm the one who made it, i has annoyed at whoever ripped it off of sevika. i took a look at her face and saw some bruises; one on her eye and one on her cheek, and a cut on her lip and eyebrow. sevika didn't say a word. she just said there with her eyes closed. "now is not the time to give me the silent treatment. what happened, where did it happen and who beat your ass." i said. "they didn't beat my ass, they look a lot worse." she said. "really? they seem to have caught you lacking pretty bad." i said sarcastically. "really, you gonna fuck with me right now?" sevika said as i got up to grab rubbing alcohol. i sat back down and put the alcohol on a cotton ball for her lip. as i put it on sevikas lip she hissed and pulled away. "ow, fuck!" she looked at me irritated. "i have to put rubbing alcohol on it to clean it, sevika. i know it hurts but it'll only be for a second" i said understandingly. sevik turned away angrily letting me see the cut clearly. i counted down from ten and took it off her face. i did the same with her eyebrow and put some ice on her bruises. an hour later, i asked again what had happened. "you know jinx's sister? what's her name-uh, vi?" i shook my head yes and she continued. "she came into the last drop while i was playing poker and rocked my shit." she leaned forwards, put her elbows on her knees and held the ice in her hand."what did she want?" i asked. "she wanted to know where her sister was. as if silco was holding her hostage." sevika said as she got up to do something. i saw her get up and pushed her shoulders back down. "what the fuck are you doing?" she said. "knowing that you got your shit rocked, you have probably hit your head a couple of times so it's good to stay seated for now. i'll test for a concussion in a minute." i said. she rolled her eyes and went to stand up. she protested saying she was fine but she stood up too fast and got lightheaded. she grabbed onto my shoulders for support and i took hold of her back to lead her down to the couch again. "i got you, your okay." i said as i helped her sit back down. when she settled she opened her eyes. i hadn't realized how close i was to her face until she pointed it out. "like what you see?" she said with a playful smirk on her face. i pulled back quickly. "sorry! sorry i didn't realize. i got worried. are you okay?" i said embarrassed. "i think so. your right ill stay here for awhile, thanks." she said slightly smiling. "no way, are you smiling?" i teased. she turned her head and stopped smiling. "what? i was never smiling." she said. "hm, yeah right." i said sarcastically.
after checking if she had a concussion, which she didn't, i got up to look at her arm again to figure out how to attach a new one. ever since i made her this arm, i have always had more than one on file i case something like this happened. so i'd just replace it with that. as i was looking at her arm i felt a thick pair of eyes on me. i looked up and sevika was staring into my soul. my heart skipped a beat. god, her eyes are so fucking pretty. "what's wrong?" i said "you look concerned." "i just have a question." she said. "okay, shoot." i said as i stopped what i was doing to listen. "do you ever get tired of seeing me in your office?" she said. i was taken aback because sevika never really engaged in real conversation with me, i was glad she was starting to though. i put down my tools and sat up. "tired, no. worried and sometimes scared yes." i said. "i often wonder how many times a day silcos gonna put your life on the line to get what he wants. he sits in a fancy chair all day and waits for you to come back with information. lucky for him you always do. i mean, your scary and intimidating of course people and gonna answer to your every question." i said. i realized i was blabbering so i got to the point. "anyways, i just think that silco should get off of his ass and do some of his own bidding and let you rest sometimes." i said. "thank you for caring." she asked. we sat there in silence for a minute and after that i got back to working on her arm. i came to the conclusion that i'd have to take off the part of her shoulder and then attach the second one i have on file, which isn't a big deal. i got up to go to the computer to grab it and again, sevika was staring. god, she doesn't understand how strong the affect she has on me is. ever since i've started working her i've had the hots for her, at this point it's more than just the hots. if i told her this, she's probably walk out and never speak to me again. i've always thought sevika was beautiful and unique and sexy as fuck. i am constantly thinking about her and wonder if she's okay even if i know she doesn't give two shits about it. i am responsible for making sure she is medically healthy and that's it. "hello??? earth to you?? dude are you alive in there?" sevika waved her hand in from of my face. i realized throughout that whole time i realized that she had been staring i had been zoned out staring back. "sorry, sorry i zoned out." i said. "no, it looked like you have something to say. you just don't want to tell me." sevika said. i stiffened and i quickly took a deep breath knowing that i'm just gonna have to tell her. so i did. i spilled every thought, every word, everything. "i care because i love you. and i know we don't speak at all but i'm around you a lot. i am in love with your mannerisms, how much you care, even though you don't show it. how much you worry even though you don't say anything-" i get overwhelmed by how much i care about her and love her and i get teary eyed. "and that's not even all of it, half of it i can't even put into words. but that's-thats why i care." i said as i breathed quickly from speaking too fast. "and i know, you probably are a person who doesn't do relationships and only does one night stands. so, if that's who you are then that's fine. ill just love from a distance." i said sadly. sevika looked upset but also flattered. god, it's so hard to read this women's face. "thank you," she said with her head down. "but your not alone. i love you just as much as you love me." she said smiling. i smiled and sunk into the couch in relief. "but, i am hard to love. women either can't handle me because i lack emotion or they get scared and run off. so i need to know if you can handle me. i am a women with a lot of baggage and things need to be taken slow" she said. i gave her a hug. out of all things i have her a hug. sevika has seen so much and i know it takes a toll on her so of course she's hard to love. but, i can handle her. "i promise i will do my best to love you until this world crumbles." i went to pull away but she persisted and pulled me into a kiss. it was soft and gentle at first but it grew. sevika put me on my back and kissed down my jaw and peppered kisses on my neck. "sevika." i said, indictating to stop. she persisted, she kept kissing me down my neck, onto my chest and on my stomach all balancing on her right arm. "sevika, stop." i said. i picked her chin up and brought her back up to my face. she stopped hovering and just layed on top of me. "your injured. i don't want your injuries getting any worse." i said while caressing her face. "i'll be fine, it's not my body that does the work it's my tongue." she said with a smirk on her face. i chuckled at her little dirty joke, but alas she still needed to rest. "well you can't do that until you are fully rested and healthy again." i said smiling. her face dropped like a sad puppy and a small okay left her mouth making me chuckle. i'm glad she let down that wall she had around me a little bit. i let go of her chin and let her rest on my chest. "i know i said to take things slow, but i promise" sevika looked up "i will do my best to make you the happiest woman alive." she said with certainty. i smiled and kissed her on her forehead. "and i will do the exact same." she put her head back down and i scratched her scalp as she fell asleep. and never in my life, have i been more at peace.

sevika.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora