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Takemichi and Inui are now staring at Kokonoi's lifless body. The doctors can't save him anymore and declare him dead. Ever since the incident happened, the two of them haven't spoken a single word, and it makes Shinichiro very worried. He tried to talk to the two of them, but he didn't get a single reply. The twins came to see them too, but they didn't say anything and just gave Takemichi and Inui a space. After half an hour Inui finally broke the silence.

Inui: "Boss, what are we going to do now?" Takemichi remained silent for a moment before responding.

Takemichi: "I don't know... I'm sorry, Inui... I truly am sorry. " Inui looked at him and shook his head.

Inui: "Don't blame yourself. It's no one's fault... You know, Koko really admires you. He always talks about you and how he wants to meet you. When he heard that you were taking over the whole Black Dragons, he got excited and begged me to try to join your gang. " Takemichi was just listening to what Inui was saying.


Inui: "He's the only one left for me. My sister died because of a house fire, and Kokonoi saved me. I owe him my life. That day, I decided that I would follow him forever. "

Takemichi: "Say Inui... did I fail as a leader?" Inui looks at him and chuckles.

Inui: "What kind of question is that? Of course not. Koko risked his life to save you, meaning he really admires you and Kokonoi is the evidence why you are a great leader. Koko never shows any interest in someone. "

Takemichi: "I took over this gang so I could protect the ones who are precious to me... but I have already failed." Inui stands up and walks in front of Takemichi. Takemichi looked up, but he was shocked when Inui suddenly punched him.

Inui: "Don't beat yourself up, boss. It's not too late. I'm going to help you with your goal. I will follow you forever. " He said this with a hint of determination in his eyes.

Nahoya: "Let us join bastards!" Nahoya joins them with a wide grin on his face.

Souta: "Grrr (Me too)"

Takemichi: "You guys... thanks. From now on, someone precious to us will never die again. Not on our watch " He smiles softly, making them nod.

Shinichiro: "Glad you're pumped up again, Black Dragons." All of them look at Shinichiro.

Takemichi: "Shinichiro nii... What are you doing here? " Shinichiro just sweatdrops.

Shinichiro: "Don't tell me you weren't acknowledging my existence earlier. So mean! " Shinichiro's faked cries made them sweatdrop

Takemichi: "Whatever old man" 












It's already been a week since Kokonoi died. Kazutora is still in prison because of tresspasing and attempted robbery, but he is in the right state of mind. Takemichi visits him every day to make sure he is okay. For Kyo, his hate towards Takemichi grew even more. It comes to the point that he wants to kill him or ruin his life.

Takemichi: "So he finally makes a move, huh? Interesting "

Hanma: "Yeah, he really is a nasty guy. I want to kill him so badly." Hanma grinned while Takemichi shook his head.

Takemichi: "What's the fun if we are going to end the show early?"

Hanma: "You got a point in that, plus I don't want to be put in jail................ Hey can I ask you a question? " Hanma asks Takemichi to tilt his head in confusion.

Takemichi: "Sure, what is it?" Hanma took a deep breath before responding.

Hanma: "Why me?" Takemichi just looks at him.

Takemichi: "Do you mean that why do I trust you in this kind of stuff?" Hanma nods.

Takemichi: "Well I can see my self into you" Hanma tilts his head in confusion.

Hanma: "What do you mean?" Takemichi looks up at the sky.

Takemichi: "Well, my life is dull too, you know. I didn't know what was right or wrong back then; I just went out and beat up some enemies and survived; as long as I lived, I am the winner. " Hanma's eyes widened in surprise.

 Hanma: "He is like me."

Takemichi: "I was once a cheerful boy who wanted to play and make friends, but that all changed when that incident happened." Hanma became more curious about Takemichi's story.

Hanma: "What happened to you?" Takemichi's face darkened.

Takemichi: "A dark impulsivity....... I killed someone without hesitation." I didn't feel anything, nor even regret. I was actually enjoying killing him. I stabbed him continuously until I was satisfied. " Hanma's face turned into horror.

Hanma: "He killed someone?!"

Takemichi: "The police captured me but freed me immediately because it was self-defence, but... after that, I drowned into darkness." Hanma didn't say anything, and just listened to what Takemichi was saying.

Takemichi: "Since you are my partner in this mission, I will tell you my secret."

Hanma: "What secret?" Hanma asks

Takemichi: "I am reincarnated."Hanma's jaw dropped in shock.

Hanma: "Woah, buddy, that's too much to understand." Takemichi chuckles.

 Takemichi: "I know... this is my punishment to retain my sins. This is the way to heal the wounds in my heart. " Takemichi placed his hand near his chest.

Hanma: "You sure suffer a lot, huh? That's so dull. If I die, I don't want to be revived again... but I wanted to say thank you for giving me a chance to live again and guiding me on the right path. " Takemichi was surprised when Hanma said thank you.

Takemichi: "You sure have a lot of surprises... Once our mission is done, let's have ramen together and find you a girlfriend. " Takemichi gave Hanma a closed-eyes smile. Hanma just chuckles.

Hanma: "I don't need a girlfriend." Takemichi shook his head in disagreement.

Takemichi: "Maa maa, what if a girlfriend is the key to your life becoming more colorful? Love can make us happy, you know? "

 Hanma: "Girlfriend, huh? I will try to find one after I finish this mission, but right now I need to support my king~ "

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