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Zen is walking down an alley with his hood up. He just got into another fight and is now escaping what he has done. He always got into a fight and beat up the enemies he fought, which is why he is feared and so many delinquents are trying to fight him. In reality, he just wants to have a peaceful life, but his dark past won't let him go. He always blames himself for what happened to his family, and he can't forgive himself because of that.

Zen: "If only I could restart my life, I would do everything to protect them." I guess I am meant to suffer. This is what I deserve for being a weakling back then. "

He sighs and continues walking in the alley. He stopped when he saw four guys come out of hiding. They were wearing a black hoodie and a black face mask, making them hide their appearances.

Zen: "What now? I'm done fighting cocky weaklings, but they seem different. "

???: "You are Zen, right?" the black-hooded guy said while glaring at him.

Zen: "Hn"

 (Uchiha Zen 😅)

???: "We'll take that as a yes." The four of them charge at Zen.

Zen dodges the punch of one of the mask guys and blocks the kick of the other guy on his side. He saw an opening with the one who kicked him, so he punched him in the face, making the guy fall to the ground.

(Let's name them b1, b2, b3, and b4)

While b2 is on the ground, his allies charge at Zen. Even though he is outnumbered, he still overwhelms them, which makes his opponents more annoyed. 

 Zen: "This is bullshit," he thought to himself while dodging and punching his enemies. His opponents couldn't even land a pucnh on him.

After a few minutes, his opponents finally gave up. They are all panting while Zen is just watching them struggle to stand up. When he saw that they could no longer fight, he turned around and continued walking away.

Zen: "*sigh* My life has no route..... should I kill myself? I have nothing to lose anyway. "

 Then, he didn't notice that B2 had pulled out a knife and sneaked up on him. Before he turns around to check who it is, it's too late because B2 has already stabbed him in the back. He fell on his knees, applying pressure to his wound. B2 and the rest of the cowards have already run away.

Zen: "Shit shit shit! I got stabbed. I'm so stupid and I called myself the strongest... I think this is the time for me to rest. I've already suffered enough. I blame myself enough and there is no reason to live anyway. " He just gives up and stays on the ground, laying in a pool of his own blood.

"My little sister, Mom and Dad, I'm on my way. I'm sorry I haven't done anything to make you guys proud. "

Then his eyes became tired. He closed his eyes, waiting for his death.

???: "Big brother! Big brother!" A little girl's voice said, "He got confused because he is only seeing an endless darkness right now.

???: "Turn around, dummy" He followed the little girl's instructions. He froze when he saw his little sister waving at him. His eyes become teary as the little girl embraces him to calm him down.

Zen: "Rika... I miss you. Sorry for not protecting you that day. *sob* I'm so sorry! "

Rika: "It's not your time yet, big brother." Zen was perplexed by what she said.

Zen: "W-Wait I want to be with you! I will take care of you! I will play with you forever! I just want to be with you again! I miss your smile, your laugh, everything! " Tears started flowing down his cheeks as he fell on his knees.

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