Chapter 27 - Whale Watching on the Sound

Start from the beginning

"I mean do you attend mass? Have you been confirmed? Do you go to confession?" Rachelle asked.

"Susan isn't Catholic, Rachelle," Michael told her.

"You're not?" Rachelle asked in surprise.

"No, I'm not," Susan said.

"Then how in the world did Matthew ever learn to pray?" Rachelle exclaimed in surprise.

"Mom taught me," Matthew said who'd managed to finish his pizza while the adults were talking.

"She's Protestant," Michael added.

"Oh, I see," Rachelle said carefully. "I thought you told me she's religious, Michael."

"She is ... but it's different, Rachelle," Michael struggled to explain.

"Yes, I suppose it is. And I expect it's even more different since you've married Greg," Rachelle commented.

"In a way," Susan agreed. "But at least he prays. Michael never did ... at least not while we were married."

"You do?" Rachelle asked Greg, momentarily ignoring Susan's remark about Michael.

"Yes, I do," Greg answered honestly.

"Every day," Zackary told her.

"And they all do, on Fridays and Saturdays," Matthew shared.

"What do you mean, they all do?" Michael asked curiously.

"We pray the Sabbath Prayer ... together," Jessie said.

"Everybody?" Michael asked in surprise.

"Yes, all of us," Susan said honestly. "Prayer is an important part of our family and personal life."

Michael nodded. "And that, Rachelle, is what I mean when I say Susan is religious. It is through her faith that Matthew and Zackary have learned to believe and to pray."

"That much I believe is true," Greg agreed.

"What do you mean, Matthew and Zackary believe?" Susan asked Michael.

"Matthew still goes to that church like the one you used to go to, whenever I can take him. And he came to me asking for permission to be baptized about a year ago ... not long after he got back from Australia," Michael explained.

"I didn't know that," Susan said. "What about Zack?" she asked looking at her ex-husband.

Michael shrugged. "He's been asking questions too ... most of which I can't answer. But Matthew ... I could answer that question. And I didn't think you'd object so I told him he could."

"You're right I wouldn't. Why didn't you tell me, Matt?" Susan asked her son.

Matthew shrugged. "I dun know, Mom. Rachelle wasn't all that thrilled by it ... and I was sort of surprised Dad even let me do it. I wasn't sure how you would feel about it ... I mean you don't go to that church anymore."

"No, I don't. But asking to be baptized is a step of faith ... that is something I genuinely believe. And for me as your mother, for my offspring to exhibit faith It is something to rejoice in each and every day," Susan told him.

"Really Mom?"

"Most definitely," Susan told him. "What I want most for both my sons ... and now Jessie too, is for you to grow up to be men and women of faith. And asking to be baptized ... making a public statement like that is evidence of a private faith deep inside of you. I am happy for you Matt ... thrilled in fact."

"You see, Matthew?" Michael said with a smile. "I knew she would be happy for you."

Matthew grinned too, though somewhat self-consciously. "Yeah ... ah thanks, Mom. Are we done?" he asked looking around at the remains of their refreshments on the table.

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