Chapter 23

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(Holden's POV)

I gave Luc a quick kiss and waved to him as he left for work. We had already unloaded most of the equipment and had played on everything Mr. Lakes had brought from his work. I had an hour before I had to take Brook into town so I went back to helping with the clearing.

"Holden, do you think you could help get this chain around this log?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, who's running the backhoe?" I asked.

"Dillon, so make sure you get out of the way as soon as we tell him the chain is on." Ethan said laughing.

"Hey, I heard that." Dillon said.

"I know, you were supposed to." Ethan said laughing at the now pouting Dillon.

"Okay, myside is one." I said making sure the chain was tight.

"I got my side." Ethan yelled and then both of us ran like hell away from Dillon and the log.

"Very funny you two." Dillon yelled before gunning the engine and slowly backing it up while lifting the bucket on the backhoe.

Slow and steady the log came out of the whole it had been buried in for years. Dillon added it to the growing pile of logs and stumps. Carter and Mr. Lakes were loading everything in the back of a bump truck to be hauled out of here.

"I think we only have like five more of these to go before we have to get wet and get the ones in the pond." Landon said wiping sweat off is forehead. He had been working with Mason and Brandon.

"I want to have the water tested before any of you get in it. That could be a hospital bill waiting ot happen." Mr. Lakes said.

"How long is that going to take?" Landon asked.

"Not long, Leo is going to be here in about an hour with a test kit." Mr. Lakes said.

"Cool that will give us time to get the rest of this done and cleaned up." Brandon said.

I work nonstop until I had to leave to take Brook in to meet her friends. When I left there was only one more log to get out and then the clean up. Mr. Lakes handed me some money to stop and get some water and ice for everyone.

"I am so excited." Brook said once we were in the car and on our way.

"Promise me that you will be careful and do not get in a car with someone that has been drinking. If something happens to you I will kill who ever does it to you." I said letting her know I was playing by looking into her eyes.

"I won't. And I promise to stay in a group of my friends when I am out. I don't want some creeper creeping on me. I have my knife with me." She said but it didn't help make me feel better.

"Call me everyday so I know you are okay. If you don't call I will start to call all of your friends and the police. I want to know where you are at all times." I said turning into the parking lot at Wal-Mart where they were meeting. I saw the big RV sitting in the back of the parking lot and headed towards it.

"I will text in the morning and call at night." She said smiling at me.

"Promise" I said slowing down.

"Promise, you have Kaley's number and I will be with her at all times. Plus you have Mitch's number and he is the one driving most of the time." She said almost bouncing in her seat.

"I will call them too so don't think that you will get away with not talking to me. I also know where they all live and I am not afraid to go talk to there parents." I warned.

"I know if you don't mom will so I get it. I will contact you at least once a day. Now we are heading to New York first so you know and then I don't know where we were talking about maybe going to Canada and then hitting California. I know the last place we are going is Mexico so I think we are going to just work our way there slowly from New York." She said smiling really big. I could see the excitement in her face. 

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