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Later that same day

"The passage to Ta Lo is guarded by a moving maze. But there's a direct path through the forest that only opens once a year on Qingming Jie.
To get through, you need to know the route and the exact time it opens. Now I know both. Three days from now, we will rescue my wife from her prison and bring her home." Wenwu explained.

Yìzhuō stood slanted on the wall with her arms folded. She didn't believe a word he was saying, but she kept quiet knowing that not voicing her opinions to Wenwu would keep her at peace.

She then turned to Shaun as he began to talk. "And what happens if they don't let you open the gate?" He asked.

Wenwu looked at him and said "We'll burn the village to the ground."

"What? You can't just march into our mom's village with this bullshit. I mean, do you have any idea how insane..." Shaun exclaimed, Yìzhuō silently prayed that Shaun would shut up. But it seemed as if the gods ignored her because Wenwu had pushed him down the steps.

Yìzhuō raised her brows slightly amused, Shaun had knew better. America must have changes him.

"Hey!" Katy exclaimed. Yìzhuō thought she was annoying so she grabbed the electric device from one of the soldiers and pointed at her, the others did the same towards her and Xialing as well.

Xialing looked at Yìzhuō slightly disheartened but she didn't care. To Yìzhuō she deserved the worst, to Yìzhuō they all did. Even Katie and Yìzhuō didn't even know her. But no one was innocent in this situation to her, not even herself. But hey, at least she was self aware.

Wenwu then told her to take them away and stay with them. So she did so, with the help of the the soldiers. She enjoyed the pitiful looks on their faces, it made her...happy. But she kept her stone cold facade one and didn't show signs of happiness. She never did, just cockiness and sarcasm. It's what the Ten Rings knew her by. That and plus her amusement feud with the weird razored-armed guy although it wasn't much of a competition considering she was way above his lever. In everything.


Hello! Isa here, I'll update more soon but I just wanted to post this because I have updated this story in quite a while!! More stuff on the way for "The Elites" as well!

Enjoy!! 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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