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April 2024

While Shaun was having the time of his life, Yìzhuō was on a mission, a mission to kill a ten rings agents that had betrayed them. Yìzhuō isn't dumb, she knew that he would have gotten far now, but not far enough for her.

She found him in the span of two days. He was smart, but not smarter than her.

"Wow," she started "who knew that you would be this dumb." She said smirking at the man who was tied up to a chair.

As of right now, they were in an abandoned building where he was hiding.

"You see, it would have been way smarter to stay where you were, but to think that you can escape, is just plain dumb." Yìzhuō said walking closer to the man looking at her nails. She tauntedly hit his head softly with the gun. She knew she had no use for it, but it was for the fun of it.

"My time will be over soon, so let's get this over with. Shall we?" She said tilting her head innocently. The man had screamed as loud as he could over the white cloth that was covering his mouth.

"Shut up! Let me have my fun." She said before pulling him up with her telekinesis and started choking him.

"Relax, I'm not going to kill you just yet." She said smirking before dropping him back down. The man groaned in pain as the chair broke and one of its legs got into his leg.

She walked closer to him and pulled down the cloth covering his mouth. As soon as she had done that, he spit at her and it nearly hit her cheek.

She gave him a deadly glare and grabbed his hair. "That's not very nice, now is it?" She asked, but the man had only smirked at her.

"Fuck you, and the whole organization. You all are nothing but a whole bunch of lowlifes." He said smirking at her.

"Why would you say that, when he gave you a purpose in life." She asked lowly, "My only purpose in life right now is getting away from your crazy ass and the rest of the ten rings organization."

"Alright, fun times over." She said before picking him up with her telekinesis and snapping his neck.

When it was done, Yìzhuō puffed out a breathe and called Wenwu.

"The job is done." She said shortly.

"Good job, you've never once failed me. I knew you wouldn't this time as well." Wenwu said, she knew he was smiling on the other side of the phone.

Yìzhuō let out a short laugh "I would never, now if you excuse me, I have a body to handle." She said hanging up shortly after.

Sighing, she slowly turned his body into dust. She looked at the dust one more time before walking away.


Later that same day

When Yìzhuō had gotten back from her mission, she walked into Wenwu's office only to see him talking to his men.

Wenwu looked up at her and smiled. "Ah, I see you're back from your mission."

Yìzhuō bowed and nodded with a small smile. "Like you said, I never fail." Razor fist rolled his eyes at the girl. He didn't like her because she think she's better than everyone, which she is. The girl could kill you with a snap of her fingers if she wanted to.

"Of course you don't, now go ahead and freshen up, I was just talking to them about another mission." Wenwu said.

The girl nodded but then paused. "What mission?" She asked. Wenwu let out a short laugh "I knew you would ask. I'm sending them to get my children." At this, Yìzhuō's whole mood changed and Wenwu noticed.

"This time, I won't allow them to leave." He reassured her. She looked at him blankly "Can I join?" She asked. Wenwu shook his head signaling her no, "I don't want you to go on this one, I need you for something else."

She nodded in understanding and left the office to go to her room.


Somewhere in San Francisco that same day.

Shaun and Katy had just gotten on the bus and sat down.

Katy looked at a women who was typing on her laptop.

"Look. Look at that. Look at that girl. She's writing a research paper on a bus." Katy said. Shaun looked at her with a confused look. "So?" He responded. Katy looked at him and said, "That is exactly the daughter my mom wishes came out of her vagina."

The women had looked back at the two with a weirded out face. "I'm sorry about her." Shaun apologized.

Soon after that a man in black walked up to Shaun. "How's it goin'?" Shaun asked looking confused.

"Give me the pendant, and no one gets hurt." The man said. Katy looked at Shaun confused and asked "Do you know this guy?" Shaun shook his head signaling he didn't know who the man was.

"I don't know what you're talking about, dude." Shaun replied. The mystery man tried to snatch the pendant off of Shaun's neck but he only got pushed back.

"Hey! Get off of me!" Shaun demands pushing the man off him once again.

There were too men holding Shang-chi back but he got angry once one of them had pushed Katy back. After that all was chaos through that bus.

Shang-chi was attacking as many assassins as he could. Just then, a man walked up to him, "You got this, bro!" Klev shouted. Razor fist only scoffed before he brought out the machete attached to his arm out. "My bad." He said closing his camera.

That same day

"You and your sister deserve what's coming." Was the last thing one of the henchmen said and Shaun was sure to remeber that.

Bursting into his apartment Shaun began to back up all of his stuff in a rush. "You need to tell me what the hell's going on." But Shaun only continued to pack, "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"Macau." Shaun replied shortly.

Katy looked at him as if he was crazy "Macau?" She repeated. "Those guys are going after my sister next, and I have to get to her first." Shaun said. Which only drove Katy further into asking him questions "You have a sister?"

"Look, I know this is confusing. I'll explain it when I get back, I promise." Shaun said. "No, no.
Hell no, dude. This is bullshit!" Katy exclaimed.

"I have been by your side for half your life. I get there are things you never wanted to talk about, and I never wanted to push. But a guy with a freaking machete for an arm just chopped our bus in half, Shaun!" Katy said, she was angry, and she felt betrayed. The exact way Yìzhuō felt.

"Who the hell are you?" Katy asked.

"My sister sent me this a few months ago. I think it's the address of where she's staying. Those guys back there were sent by my dad." Shaun said

"What?" Katy asked confusedly

"If they hurt her...I'm sorry, but I have to go." Shaun trailed off.

"Fine, you can explain on the plane." Katy said. This time, Shaun was the one to look up at her confused, "What? No, Katy, you can't just..." but Katy cut him off.

"You can explain on the plane, Shaun!" Katy yelled walking out the door.

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