Broken (Angst..maybe??)

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Roxanne's POV


That's all I could see.

Well, not necessarily see.

Freddy's kid had stolen my eyes. That little devil. My beautiful eyes. I can never gaze upon my friends or myself.

I can't find my way around either, so I have to rely on my ears.

I wanted to sob but I couldn't. I could only wail as that kid teased me.

Chica's POV

I kept trying to get her attention. I wanted her to know I was here with her so I could make her feel just a little better.

But I couldn't talk.

I didn't have a voice anymore. My whole body was suffering from being crushed. I feel like I'll collapse any second.

I hate that kid. I hate him so much. I'll get him for what he did to Roxxy.

Monty's POV

I could hardly move. Freddy's kid had gotten all of us. Except Sun...maybe.

I'm trying to drag myself to the daycare but going down the stairs was hell.

"Sunshine! Where are you!?"

I heard the noises of him moving around in something. It sounded like a slide.

Maybe that kid was trying to get in! Then we can catch him before Sun gets hurt!

"Sun! Let me in!"

I saw Sun crawl up the slide.

"Security alert! Security alert! Woo woo!"

I giggled but instantly stopped because of a random spark flinging.

I then heard the doors open.

"Monty? Where are y- OH MY STARS MONTY!"

Sun hurried to me and lifted me up.


I was set on a small purple chair and Sun sat across from me.

If we weren't in the situation we were in, I would've laughed. The toy tea set and Sun being perched up on the little chair looked so goofy.

"No one important, but we have to go so nothing happens to you!"

"Did he do it!? The kid!?"

I nodded the best I could and Sun picked me back up and hoisted me onto his back.

"He took Roxxy's eyes and Chica's beak. He's ruined all of us."

Sun clenched his fist as we got to an elevator.

"I'm gonna take you to parts and service, and we're gonna fix you up."

I couldn't object. If we get me new parts, then I could help Sun better.


We finally got to parts and service and quickly began digging for parts.

Sun found a pair of legs. They looked oddly familiar.

They were kind of a bluish-purple. They had small pads on the bottom. They were tracks of a rabbit.

Oh gods. Nononono. That was the past.

Then I saw the ears. The small snout. The striped shirt pushed off to the side.

My system went overboard. I couldn't stop thinking about the incident.

"Monty? Monty!? Hello?"

His voice snapped me out my panic. His sweet, melodious voice.

"Sorry...uhm, are you sure there's not any other parts? There has to be...haha..."

Sun clearly looked concerned.

"Are you okay dear? Also, no, there's not."

I panicked.

"There has to be! C'mon, let's look!"

"Monty please-"


Sun flinched and took a few steps back.

"No no, I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know me."

Sun kept quiet but took a few small steps towards me.

He slowly reached his hand and caressed my cheek.

I leaned into his hand.

I felt so confused right now.

That stupid rabbit. Why'd he have to come back!? Especially after all that's happened?

"Monty! I found a box of extra parts for you!"

He lifted up a box titled "Gator Parts".

"Time to get these on you!"

Sun's POV

I placed each piece on best I could and after an hour or so, Monty was good as new!

He got up and walked a bit. I kind of tackled him in a hug and kissed his face a few hundred times.

Let me see him. You get to see him all the time and you never let me see him.



I slowly led us over to a darker corner.

My mind seemed to shift.

Moon's POV

I stretched.

"Ah~! Feels so much better to be back!"

Monty looked me up and down.

"Whatcha starin' at hotshot?"

"We have to get the others help!"

I remembered the initial problem.

"Right! Let's go find them!"

We walked throughout the Pizza Plex until we found Chica. She was missing her beak and obviously trying to get the attention of someone.

That someone was Roxanne, who had no eyes to see Chica and couldn't hear her either.

"Roxanne! Over here! We're gonna get you new eyes! You too Chica! C'mon!"

We all got to parts and service together and began fishing for parts as Chica and Roxanne held onto one another tightly. I assume they couldn't lose each other again.

"I found a beak! And a new voice box!"

I pulled Chica into the work area.

"Okay babe, it'll only take a little bit, and it shouldn't hurt. You'll be good as new in no time!"

After a few minutes, Chica could finally speak again.

"Thank you so much Moon! Roxxy! I can talk now!"

Monty quickly walked into the room with Roxanne's eyes. Just a few minutes later, Roxanne walked out with a new pair of golden eyes and her face was nicely fixed up.

We all then gathered up and spoke in unison.

"Time to find that kid."

We searched for about an hour and finally found him.

We all chased him, but then something happened.

The front door's cover had lifted revealing bright, morning light.

Gregory walked straight out the door.

I darted through the doors.

"I'm gonna catch that darn kid."

I tackled him only to feel myself reaching my limit. I wrapped my arms around him as I felt myself shut down.


980 words! Sorry for taking so long to post this!! I've been pretty busy in my personal life, but I'm making time!! Thank you for reading!

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