"Miranda  you were the one calling my name and waking me up so what is so important  that you disturb  my sleep for."  Ben said proping his self up on his elbow after placing a few last kisses on her neck, and turning to fully face Miranda to give her his full undivided attention.

Miranda  blew out a big breath as she rolled her eyes at Ben who stared at her with a mischievous grin on his face waiting for her to tell him why she woke him up.

"My parents  are on their way to meet you and take us to go get an rental car." Miranda  told Ben who's eyes went wide and  he hopped out of the bed immediately and began to gather his stuff to take a shower.

"Miranda  your parents  are on their way why didn't you wake me up sooner their probably already half way here" Ben said in a stressful  tone. Miranda  rolled her eyes she has literally been calling his name non stop this man was ridiculous.

"Benjamin  I have literally spent the last hour calling your name trying to wake you." Miranda said  Exaggerating the truth he didn't need know the exact truth.

"I'm sorry Miranda I'm just nervous  about meeting your parents is all." Ben said walking over to her side of the bed and placing a kiss on her cheek. Before rushing into  the bathroom  to take a shower.

"Miranda hurry up their here." Ben yelled when he heard a knock on their room door.

"Ben relax I'm coming  take a deep breath and stop acting  like they are going to kill you".  Miranda said to Ben and he stood next to her tense out this world she really wanted to laugh at him but chose against it not wanting to make him even more tense than he already is.

Miranda opened the door greeting and letting her parents in. Ben took in the older couple they were a good looking pair he could see where Miranda got it from. He watched as Miranda hugged and kissed her parents as they caught up a little. Once they were done he saw her father connect eyes with him he had a very stern expression on his face that made Ben's hands began to sweat and had him taking  a hard swallow.

Ben began to move closer to the family of three so he could introduce  himself. "Momma, Daddy I would like for yall to meet my boyfriend Benjamin Warren. Benjamin Warren I'll  like you to meet William and Elena Bailey my parents.

Ben reached his hand out  shaking  it with Miranda's father's hand " Nice to meet you sir " Ben said giving him a firm shake and a charming smile. Then went in to do  the same with her mother but Elena Bailey had other plans she smacked his hand away and pulled him into hug. Surprising him but he quickly  pulled his self together and returned the hug placing a  small sweet kiss on her cheek. Making  the older women blush.

"Its Really nice to meet you ma'am." Ben said smiling  and  stepping back to Miranda wrapping  his arm around her waist.

"Boy please call me Elena anyone who makes my daughter glow the way  she is glowing right now is alright in my book right William. " Elena said nudging her husband  who was so un interested.

"Yeah yeah he's a rock star can we get going." William said turning and walking out of the hotel room.

"Don't believe his front he was just as excited  to meet you as I was." Elena said grabbing  Ben's hand and resuring him before leaving the room to follow her husband.

Ben let out a breath and grabbed Miranda's hand leaving out of there room catching up with her parents. Miranda  laughed on the inside Ben was so nervous she couldn't remember if she was this nervous meeting his folks but if she was she wonder if she looked this cute as he did.

"Bennnnnn but I like this one" Miranda whined as she pointed the newest LEXUS SUV.

"Miranda no we already agreed on the BMW SUV before we got here." Ben said shaking his head going to grab her hand and pull her to the front desk.

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