Chapter 8

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*Ring ...*Ring....



"Momma?"  Miranda asked as she winced pulling her phone away from her ear as her mom squealed. "Momma why are you so loud I think you may have damaged my eardrums,"  Miranda spoke into the phone as she moved it to her left ear as she rubbed the inside of her right ear.

"OH Hush Child I wasn't that loud and why are you talking so soft where are you? Are you okay?"  Elena threw questions at Miranda worried that she was maybe In trouble.

"Yes mama I am fine and because me and Benjamin were in the middle of a nap when you interrupted and he is still asleep and I don't want to wake him like you just did me,"  Miranda said as she rolled her eyes as she talked to her momma she loved her but she could be a bit much.

"Mandy how did yall make it to yalls hotel did yall take a cab I already told you that me and your father would have been more than happy to drive yall too yalls hotel. Which I don't understand why yall have to stay in a hotel anyways , because I already told you that yall could have stayed in your old room Mandy."  Miranda's momma complained not understanding why her daughter  insisted  for her and Ben to stay in a hotel.

"Mamma I already told you why we decided  to stay in a hotel you outta appreciate the amount  of  respect  I hold for you and daddy."

Elena scuffs at her daughter comment "well.." Miranda's mother was cut off by another's voice. " Elie leave the poor girl alone she is a grown women who is in a  I assume a healthy relationship and doesn't want to do healthy relations  right down the hall from  her parents  in the room she grew up in."  Miranda's dad  explained to his wife as she continued  to scuff and roll her eyes Miranda  could only assume that was exactly what her mother was doing.

"Yes I am and exactly daddy I couldn't have said it any better thank you daddy." Miranda said smiling  and nodding her head in approval as if they could see her.  " But since I'm up and I got both of yall on the phone can yall come pick us up and take us to the car rentals."

After Miranda  got off the phone with her  parents she placed her phone back on her night stand and tried to get out of the bed but felt as if something  was chaining her to the bed preventing  her to move. Miranda  looked down and was made aware  of Ben's strong arm around her she was so distracted  by her parents she never paid attention to her surroundings  Ben was sprawled out on his stomach  with is left arm tightly secured around her keeping  her from moving.

"Ben... Ben... psss.... Benjamin" Miranda  said looking down and poking his forearm trying to get him to wake up or at least move his arm but in fact  the exact opposite  happened. Ben grumbled in his sleep and pull Miranda  into his body snuggling his head in her neck inhaling her intoxicating scent.

Miranda let out a sigh and bit her lip she loved when he held her tight and dug his head in the nape of  her neck. She always felt so secure  and safe in his arms  she would stay in them all day if she could, but she couldn't they had  stuff to do and they wouldn't get anything done if she was wrapped  up in his arms.

"BENNNN!!!!"Miranda whined trying to get Ben's attention.  "Hmmm" Ben answered  digging his face farther into her neck placing little butterfly kisses in her neck making Miranda  inhale deeply and release a faint moan as she closed her eyes and licked her lips.

"Miranda?" Ben called out smirking as he continued  to cover her neck with little kisses.

"Yesss" Miranda answered breathlessly getting lost in his kisses.

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