Chapter 1

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"Heyy momma" Miranda said picking up her phone.
"Hey baby how are you doing today"
"I'm doing good mom just setting up my three weeks of vacation for dad's retirement party."
"Oh Mandy you don't have to take that much time off it's just an retirement party."
"I know mom I just want to catch up with y'all is all."
"Oh okay I know that you are probably lonely meaning that you don't have a man in your life."
" uhh I have you know that I'm not lonely and that I actually have a male friend."
"Oh Mandy you don't have to lie it's nothing wrong with being lonely we have all been there."
"Mother I am not lying I dooo have a male friend and I have you know he is very fond of me."
"Well Mandy what is this so called Male friend's name and why am I just hearing about him now."
"Well if you must know mother his name is Benjamin Warren, and I guess I must have been so wrapped up in our amazing relationship to think about others I suppose."
"Okay well I can't wait to meet him you are bringing him as your plus one aren't you."
"Of course he'll be there." Miranda said hanging up the phone after saying bye and I love you to her mother.

"What up pops" Ben said answering his phone.
"Hey son how are you doing"
"Good how are you and moms doing"
" Me and your mother are doing just fine, we're just missing are oldest son."
"I miss y'all too I have been meaning to come in visit but my schedule has been so busy."
"Hey did you hear that Angela and her boyfriend got engaged."
"That's nice I'm happy for them."
"Yeah it's good to see one of your children settling down finally ready to start a family I just wish all my children could follow in that direction and give up the bachelor life style."
"Well actually Dad I am not living that bachelor life style I....."
"Oh so you have a lady friend I presume what's the young women's name Ben's dad said cutting him off.
"Miranda Bailey" Ben said quickly
"Well I look forward to meeting this Miranda next weekend at the engagement party."
"Right see you there" Ben said getting off the phone.

*Couple hours later
*Knock Knock*. Miranda rushed over to her door to open it her eyes became wide it was Benjamin she knew she had to tell him and she didn't know how he was gonna react. She grabbed his hand and pulled him in the house hugging him before letting go and staring his eyes ok hear I go Miranda thought to herself.

The door swung open and there stood Miranda Ben's eyes got wide immediately he had to tell her and he knew how she was when she was ambushed with something she was gonna chew him out and he wasn't ready for it. Ben was shocked when he was pulled in her house and into a hug when he was let go he inhaled deeply and exhaled thinking here goes nothing.

"I NEED YOU TO BE MY FAKE BOYFRIEND"..... "I NEED YOU TO BE MY FAKE GIRLFRIEND" Ben and Miranda yelled out to each other at the same time then pausing to realize they just asked the same thing.

"Wait What" Miranda and Ben said in sync once again causing them to burst out into a fit of laughter.
"You need me to be your fake girlfriend" Miranda asked after there long burst of laughter. "And you need me to be your fake boyfriend." Ben said returning the question back at her.
"Well how did this happen what lead you to need my services." Miranda asked raising her eyebrow looking up at Ben. " I can ask you the same thing Dr. Bailey ." Ben said placing his hands on his hips and looking down at her.
Miranda clicked her teeth and folder her arms across her chest "I asked you first" she said whining with a hint of sass in her tone making Ben laugh and smile big.

"Well my sister Angela is getting married her boyfriend just recently purposed to her and my dad started to go into that it's so good to see one of his children final settling down and how he wish all his other children would follow in the direction and give up the bachelor life and all that good stuff. Ben rolled his eyes as he told Miranda she held back her laughter as she was hearing the irritation in his voice. "It's not funny Miranda it's so irritating. Ben said noticing her holding back her laughter which only seemed to make her burst into a fit of laughter "Miranda" Ben said irritated " okay okay Benjamin what else happen". Miranda said reigning in her laughter back in so he could continue.

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