Chapter 5

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"Miranda...... psss...... Miranda.....Miranda" Ben whispered into Miranda's ear as he rubbed her arm as she laid on him asleep, they were on a  plane headed to Baltimore the place where Miranda's family resides at. Benjamin was completely freaking out because he really wanted them to like him he knew that him and Miranda weren't really a couple, but the thought of actually meeting her father made him physically nauseous. 

Ben began to rub and whispered into Miranda's ear trying to wake her up so she could talk him out of his nerves she was really good at doing that. "So help me god Benjamin Warren if you whisper my name  and rub my arm one more time I will surgically remove your tongue from your mouth and your arm from its socket do you understand me I'm trying to sleep here can't you see that." Miranda grumpily said as she tried to drift back into sleep but couldn't, because she could feel her best friend's mind on a hundred she also knew he wasn't going to let her rest until she  help him with his nerves."he was such a big baby," she thought to her self as she sat up in her seat.

"What is Benjamin I can feel your mind going crazy what's got you so damn nervous." Miranda asked as she turned her body towards Ben and leaned against the window while bringing her feet onto his lap.

"What's got me so nervous, now Miranda come on you know where we are going and who I'm going to have to meet. I'm not meeting them as your best friend, but as your boyfriend and even if I was meeting them as your best friend I  would be freaking out like this as well.  You are one of the best parts of my life Miranda I don't know what I would do without my best friend. Miranda to lose you would be one of the worst things that could ever happen to me, so of course I'm nervous to meet your family because what if they don't like me  I wouldn't want to come between your family I know what they mean to you I would never forgive my self Miranda I..." Ben expressed his feelings to his best friend, but was quickly cut off by her  dropping her feet from his lap and scooting closer to him placing her hands on both sides of his face.

" Okay okay slow down Benjamin Warren we are not going into war we are just  going to my dad's retirement party and we are going to hang out with my parents for a few weeks. Okay you are not going to lose me.  You are one of the best parts of my life too okay I don't want to lose you either, but we don't have to worry about that because we are just here to convince my family I'm not in Seattle wittering away like some old hag. Plus my family would be stupid to not love you, your pretty great." Ben began to smile like a fool making Miranda return it. "Don't go getting an even bigger head on me now, because I dont think there will be anymore room on this plane for it." Miranda said laughing a little as she continued to hold his face staring into his eyes, Ben really was one of the best parts of her life ever since the day they have met all those years ago in medical school there was this unexplainable connection like they were tethered to each other somehow always there for each other no matter what I mean look at them now they were on their way to convince her family she isn't lonely they were each other's rock.

Ben brought his hands up placing them on top of hers as he pierced into her eyes as well, taking in her beautiful brown eyes. He stared into her eyes and at that moment he knew right there that he was in love with his best friend and if he was honest with himself he has been in love with her ever since he laid his eyes on her she captured his heart with just her smile. She was talking to her classmate now best friend Calliope Torres he didn't know what about, but whatever it was made her smile and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed.
She was the most gorgeous women he had ever seen but once he found out she had a boyfriend she was madly in love with he settled with just being her best friend, because at least he could make her smile and get to know every day.

Ben grabbed one of her hands and brought it to his lips gently kissing it. Making Miranda swallow hard and her breathing to slightly speed as she felt butterflies in her stomach as his lips pecked the inside of her hand she soon cleared her throat breaking their gaze and pulling her hands back, and she began to scoot back to the window but soon was  stopped as she felt Ben's hand wrap around her pulling her all the way into him letting her rest her head on his chest so she could fall asleep.

Pushing everything she just felt to the back of her mind Miranda let her self fall back into a deep sleep in Ben's arms since they still had a couple of hours left until they arrived.

Miranda and Ben had finally arrived to Baltimore they grabbed their luggage and got off the plane once they finally finished with all the security and refinding their luggage they both had to go to the bathroom. Miranda finshed before Ben so she pulled out her phone and began to call her parents, as she waited for her parents that is until she heard what it seemed to be her childhood nickname being called out Miranda scanned the room trying to spot where the voice was coming from, but couldn't until it was coming from in front of her attached to a tall familiar handsome figure better known as her long term ex-boyfriend.


"Miranda Bailey or should I say, Mandy man you haven't changed one bit you are still one of the most gorgeous women to ever live upon this universe." Tucker complimented as he licked his lips and checked her out making her blush.

"Tucker-Jones somethings will never change always being such a flirt," Miranda said playfully hitting him on the chest rolling her eyes she hasn't seen him since they called it quits all those years ago it left her heart in pieces he was her first everything she was absolutely head over hills for him, and seeing him right here was beginning to stir up some feelings for her if she was completely honest with herself.

Ben came out of the bathroom looking around for Miranda once he spotted her he notices she was talking to someone a man. Ben thought he looked familiar but couldn't put his finger on it Ben walked up to Miranda placing his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him "Ready to go Miranda have you called your parents we have to check into our room." Ben said making it sound as if they were a real couple.

Miranda didnt make no further steps to get out of Ben's embrace she liked the  feeling it gave her everytime she was in his arms she felt safe and loved,but there was a side of her that wanted to break away because she didnt want to get to comfortably in his arms he was her best friend and she needed him in her life and anything other being her best friend would just complicate things.
Miranda came out of her thoughts to see Tucker and Ben both staring at her, but would look each other up in down every once in a while. Miranda cleared her throat introducing them.

"Tucker Jones this is Benjamin warren my best friend. Ben  this Tucker Jones my ex-boyfriend." Miranda said  moving her hands as she spoke. Tucker smirked when Miranda introduced Ben as her best friend meaning she was available. Ben gritted his teeth when he saw Tucker's smirk he hated the fact he knew Miranda was available.

" Oh and Ben to answer your question no I still have to call them to come get us and take us to the hotel." Miranda said  placing the back of her hand on his chest rubbing it unconsciously as she stared into his eyes locking each others gazes getting lost in each other's eyes,  but was quickly brought out when Tucker cleared  his throat making Ben clinch his jawl and inhale deeply.

"Mandy you don't have to call your parents you can ride with me I'm headed out I really don't mind." Tucker told Miranda as he flashed his charming smile making her blush and bite her lip.

"Thanks man but I think her parents wanted to do that since they haven't seen her in a long time right Miranda?" Ben said through his gritted teeth as he looked at Tucker who was fixated on Miranda as she looked up to him blushing.

"Yeah, but Benjamin I'm exhausted so after my nap I will call them so Tucker if you really don't mind that would be wonderful." Miranda said still blushing looking at Tucker.

"It would be my pleasure Mandy," Tucker said grabbing Miranda's hand bringing it to his lips to kiss it as he stared down into her eyes watching her blush uncontrollably.

"Yeah well Miranda I think we should get going we need our rest for tomorrow," Ben said rolling his eyes and clearing his throat grabbing his and Miranda's suitcases as they headed out the airport.

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