I hope he is safe

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Hey y/n don't worry about
Anything I'm fine I just had to
Take care of a work business
That's why I am MIA
But whatever you do don't tell the
Police anything and delete this.

End of messages:

I panic and went to tell Spencer straight away once the bell goes for lunch and once I found her I showed her the message and then deleted it like he had said she goes "woah and you said he didn't care for you he did this for you" "or he did this so I wouldn't tell the police anything like he had said" after I said that she rolled her eyes and went to the tuckshop to get food for the both of us and I just ponder if I should tell the cops if they ask me but why would anyone suspect me having any involvement in this it doesn't matter now i guess after 5 mins Spencer comes back with some chips for me and a salad for her, and out of my peripheral vision I see a black car slowly goes by our school

I panic and went to tell Spencer straight away once the bell goes for lunch and once I found her I showed her the message and then deleted it like he had said she goes "woah and you said he didn't care for you he did this for you" "or he did this ...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It only had one window down and the rest were tinted I look at it and I make direct eye contact with whom ever was in the car,  as soon as the eye contact broke the rolled up the window so you couldn't see anything but the reflection of the school after about 20mins the bell rings for 3 period and I had business & economics with Spencer when this dark headed boy walks into the classroom cover in tattoos black shirt and Black jeans.

It only had one window down and the rest were tinted I look at it and I make direct eye contact with whom ever was in the car,  as soon as the eye contact broke the rolled up the window so you couldn't see anything but the reflection of the school...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He sits at the other side of the classroom and I was trying so hard not to look at him but when I eventually did to my surprise he was already looking at me, I looked straight into his eyes and remember the eyes I looked into when the car drove by and thats him that's who drove past.

The teacher goes past him and ask him to stand up in front of the class to say his name and a bit about him self he says "Hi my name is Ace what I like to do is help out with the family business and look for newer cars"  i wondered what he had meant by business he went to sit done when Spencer called out for him to sit with us even tho the only spot available was the one right next to me and he did  he says "hey what are you're names " my name is Spencer and hers is Y/n" she goes "wow not even gonna let the beauty speak for her self I see"  as he had said that I blushed so hard and looked at Spencer who had just smiled at me.

I get my all my work done while Ace was just sitting there watching me I ask "do you need anything" he says "no I jsut like looking at gorgeous things"  "real funny mister I like working for my family" "what I do like working for them half of the time I'm in charge and get to tell people what to do" he says with a seductive smile "that is not very nice man and why are you so cocky" I say "I'm not cocky I'm just confident" he says " not you are cocky it's probably because of the fact that you don't have a big dick so you're making with up with having a cocky personality" I say "oh really why don't you put that ruler to use and see how big it is because I know you won't be disappointed" he says that while handing my ruler

This whole time he has been looking at me I noticed that he was looking at his phone a lot to like waiting for a text or somthing I hear a ding and he checks it I look over his shoulder to see.


Boss we have located where
Enzo is and who he has

Okay so who has he

He says a girl named Y/n.

He looks at me and takes my arm

End of messages:

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

Tambahkan cerita ini ke Perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan notifikasi saat ada bab baru!

Good girl Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang