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Hermione pov:
Karla steps up to get her boggart. "What do you think her boggart will be?" Ron asked curiously. "My guess is probably ghosts. I can tell when nearly headless nick comes in the cafeteria she gets a little skittish" I said shrugging. "Alright think of your biggest fear," Lupin told her as she stands there. Suddenly her father exits from the cabinet. I quickly look at Ron, "Oh god" he said shocked. I hear Draco bust out laughing. I give him a death glare. "Uh alight now", Lupin said looking at her unsure. Her eyes get watery and she quickly grabs her bag and leaves. I quickly raise my hand, "Go please" Lupin said worriedly. I quickly follow after her.

I go to the laboratory and stand outside the stall she's in. I think for a moment then speak. "Lupin wanted me to come and check on you, he said he's proud of you for giving it a try. You are really brave I hope you know that" I said hesitating. I had to say lupin said it because if I said I was worried for her it would've been awkward due to the fact that she's a Malfoy. After a moment of silence, I decided I should go back to class, "I have to go back to class" I said as I then exited the laboratory.

I make my way back to class and it seems that Lupin has dismissed the class. Harry and Ron are standing waiting for me. "How is she?" Lupin asked worried, I shrug. "Not sure, she is mute she doesn't talk so I really can't tell you. But from what I see no, she's not" I said honestly. He sighs and nods, "Alright you guys head to class" I nod and we exit the room.

Karla pov:
After 30 minutes I finally leave the laboratory. I look around and see no one in the hallways. I decided to head to the lake. As I'm walking I hear a man's voice behind me, I quickly turn and look around and see no one. I then look at the ground and see scabbers, Ron's pet rat. I sigh and look around. I pick up scabbers and head to the lake.

I make it to the lake and low and behold I see the golden trio. I slowly walk over to them and tap on Ron's shoulder. He turns to look at me and he is taken aback. I hold out my hand to show scabbers, "See I told your Ronald my cat didn't eat your bloody rat" Hermione said hitting him playfully. "Thank you so much," he said with a smile. I just nod and start walking away. "Wait," Harry said stopping me. I turn around to look at him, "you okay?" he asked looking at me. I give him a soft smile and nod. He nods back and I turn around and walk away.

It's now Dinner and I enter the great hall. The gossip of the day was of course my boggart situation. People walk past me whispering and laughing. I stand there and just look around trying to find a place to sit. I finally find an excluded area at the end of the Slytherin table. I take a seat and get a roll and water. I need something lite on my stomach.

It's halfway through dinner and someone sits next to me. I look and see Draco, he gives me a devilish smile. I get us and walk away but he just grabs my wrist. I try and pull it away but he just grips it harder causing it to have a lot of pain. "That little show you put on in DADA will get you into big trouble," he said sternly. I look at him with pain in my eyes he just stares at me "you're pathetic" he said as he grabbed the water sitting in front of me a threw it on me. This of course got the attention of everyone in the great hall. He then just walks away. I stand there with everyone's eyes on me. Whispers soon follow I walk out and go to the courtyard.

I sit underneath the tree, I'm soaked with water and tears are falling down my face. I hear footsteps behind me I turn around and take out my wand and see Harry's standing there he hands his hands up, "Woah just me" he said softly. I slowly lowered my wand and just backed away. I walk away and start heading towards the Slytherin tower.

Karla MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now