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I hand him the letter. His face is blank while he reads it. My heart is pounding and my head is racing. He looks back at me and shakes his head. "Pathetic," he said softly. Is he talking about me or my father? He hands me back the letter. "You are a disappointment," he said sternly. I just stand there unsure of what to do. "You think that mud-bloods are the same as full-blooded?" He raised his voice and gives me a deathly glare. I fill with anger, he agrees with my father, I mean, of course, he does. I try and walk away but before I could Draco grabs my arm. I quickly pull it away and back away from him. "Maybe it's a good thing you don't talk. You would disappoint us all" he said in my face then nudging me as he walked out of the common room. I just stand there with tears in my eyes. I don't know what to do? I officially have absolutely no one. My thoughts were interpreted when I hear the common room door open and laughter filling the room. I quickly wipe my face and just keep my head to the floor and start heading to the dorm until I heard someone call my name. I slowly look over and see Blaise he looks at me and his smile fades. "You alright?" I just walk away ignoring him and head to the dorms.

It's the next morning and everyone in my dorms starts getting ready. I get out of bed and start getting ready. I put on my uniform and put my hair into a bun. I don't care much about looking good, I just want to get today over with.

I start walking to the great hall I'm looking down at my shoes when's I accidentally bump into someone. That someone just so happened to be Draco, just my luck. "Watch where you're fucking going," he said shoulder checking me then walks away. I stand there and see Ron looking at me from the distance. I just walk away and go to the courtyard.

I make it to defend against the dark arts, Lupin starts talking about Boggarts and their significance. "Alright now that you are familiar with what a boggart is it's now time to learn how to defeat one. I want you guys to repeat after me riddikulus" He said as he swished his wand. I mouth the word so it seemed like I copied him. "Very good now I want you all to line up" Everyone rushed to the line. I try and get to the back but everyone is all cramped together and I get right in front of Harry. I sigh and stand there not knowing what to do. "Alright Longbottom you go first," Lupin said. The cabinet door opens and Snape pops out and Neville jumps back in fright. "Alright now," Lupin said gesturing to him, "Riddikulus!" Neville yelled swishing his wand then suddenly Snape was wearing his grandmas' clothes.

It's now my turn and I stand there unsure of what to do. "Alright think of your biggest fear," he said as the cabinet door opens. My father stands there I freeze. I felt all eyes glaring at me. "Umm alright now," Lupin said unsure of what to do. I felt my chest start to get tight and tears form in my eyes. "Miss Malfoy?" Lupin said again. I grab my bag and quickly walk out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Draco laughing.

I run to the nearest laboratory. I felt myself getting more and more anxious every second. "Karla??" I hear someone yell for me, I quickly run to a stall and lock the door. "Karla are you alright?" Hermione and on the other side of the stall door. I don't say anything. "Lupin wanted to come and check on you, he said he's proud of you for giving it a try. You are really brave I hope you know that" she said in a soft tone. I wipe tears and take a deep breath. "I have to go back to class..." she said hesitating. She then walks out of the laboratory.

Karla MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now