My One Regret

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Your hands were playing with the pen as you were writing a love letter to your best friend named Kiku Honda. Everything about that man was perfect. His looks, his smile, his personality, his hobbies, everything. There was not a single thing about him that you hate, which is why you quickly fell in love with him.

You sighed as you start to recall the day you two became friends.


"Hey (y/n), what do you think about this?" Alfred asked you, hovering over your shoulders as he handed you a piece of paper. On there, there was a drawing of you and Alfred hanging out at his house. Of course, Alfred being Alfred, his artistic skills aren't the greatest, but it was easy to tell it who and where it was.

"It looks great Alfred! Though, maybe you should practice a bit more on drawing. After all, you want to get better, right?" You asked him. Alfred pouted in response before drowning you in a hug.

"But (y/n)! It's so hard to draw! I don't want to spend this long on drawing!" He cried out, making you laugh as he started tickling you.

"H-Hey! Don't tickle me!" You yelled at him, only for the both you to wrestle on the ground. The piece of paper that was once in your hand landed on a student's desk nearby. The student then picked up the drawing and examined it carefully.

"Is this yours, (l/n)-San?" The person questioned. Both you and Alfred stopped to stare at the young Japanese male standing in front of you.

"O-Oh! Kiku! Sorry about that! That's actually Alfred's and he was just asking me what I thought about his drawing," you told him before snatching the drawing out of his hands.

"Asking you about what you think of his drawing? Which would mean... (l/n)-San, do you draw?" His gaze shifted from the drawing to yours and you chuckled nervously.

"A little bit," you mumbled under your breath and then averting your eyes away from him. The soft brown hues he has along with his neatly combed black hair started to attract you.

"May I see your drawings?" He asked politely before sitting down at his desk, which is conveniently right next to yours. You nodded and gave him some of your drawings. Alfred began to also look at some of your drawings alongside Kiku.

"I-I know they're not good or anything, so y-you don't have to praise me," you stammered as your cheeks began dusting with pink. He took a few minutes to look through all of the drawings before handing them back to you with a slight smile plastered on his lips.

"They look absolutely stunning," he said. While reaching out for your paper back, both Kiku's and your hands gently grazed each other, making you both jump at the physical contact. You quickly apologized for touching him since he was notorious for not liking any sort of physical contact, but he accepted your apology in the end.

"U-Um, if it's okay, would you like to teach me some of your art techniques?" You began to blush even more at his question, and you had to ponder about it for a bit before saying, "I'm fine with that."

In the beginning, both you and Kiku began to hang around the art room every once in a while, and eventually, you both began to hang out outside of the art room. You both realized that you two had way more in common than you both originally thought. From anime, to manga, to art, it was soon transparent that you both liked and consider each other friends. Later on, after a year, you and Kiku decided to become best friends.

Alfred also decided to join you both a lot, so the three of you were like a trio. Though, of course, you hung out with Kiku a lot more than the three of you together. You considered Alfred to be more of an older brother than a romantic interest, but you would be fine dating him if he did ask you out. On the other hand, Kiku always caught your eye every single day. He just doesn't know it yet.

My One Regret - Japan x Reader [One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now