Is this what a dinner with your in laws is like?

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When I got to the living room and found Anakin and Senator Amidala holding onto each other, I must've startled them cause they jumped a little bit when I said, "Hi" Anakin started to walk towards me, most likely to make up an excuse for him and Senator Amidala to be holding each other, but right as he started to speak I cut him off. "I know, don't worry, I won't tell." I said with a smile. Anakin looked at me a little shocked that I know they are married. I said that it's a long story. After that he looked at Senator Amidala and walked over to her, kissed on the cheek and left. Dinner was much different than what I was eating on Dooku's ship. The food was the most delicious thing I had ever eaten! Apparently, it was roast Tip-yip, Kibla greens (kale), and Haarshun bread. It is better than it sounds, trust me. The Kibla greens were just kale, which is delicious by the way. The Haarshun bread is a Mandalorian bread that tasted like buttery oat bread. And of course, the Tip-yip is off earth Chicken. "So Quinn, how are you liking Coruscant so far?" Senator Amidala asked midway through dinner, breaking the silence between us. I looked up a little startled after my thoughts getting interrupted. "Uh, its bigger than I thought. It's truly a thing of my dreams." I said in response to Senator Amidala's question. After that we ate our dinner, with Senator Amidala trying to make small talk throughout. The one thing I loved more than dinner itself, was the drink! Senator Amidala said its name is Gnostra berry juice, it tasted like a mix of lichee and peach. IT. WAS. SO. GOOD. Once dinner was done, I got up and started to take my plate to the kitchen when a metal hand took it out of mine. "I can take it for you miss." C3-P0 said as he stacked my plate on top of Senator Amidala's and went into what I assumed to be the kitchen. Senator Amidala went to the living room and sat down on one of the two identical couches, and gestured for me to sit down to, so I walked over and sat on the couch across from her. "Sorry for being so quiet, I tend to be very quiet when my brain is running around." I said as I sat down on the silky couch. Senator Amidala smiled and said, "Its okay, how did you like dinner?" I looked down at my folded hands and just said that it was nice. I then asked, "I am a bit tired; may I go to my room?" Senator Amidala's response was a nod, to which I nodded back and went to my room. That night I could barely sleep, I would fall asleep for two to three hours, then wake up from the same nightmare, just different variations of it. 

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