Chapter 1: Another Dimension

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Jade was sitting at home, reading, with her best friend Mildred. Suddenly, a blue glow started to form in front of them. "Jade, are you doing this?" Mildred asked, looking frightened. "No, no I'm not," she replied, looking frightened as well. Suddenly, the glow burst into a glowing blue portal, which started to pull them in.

 "J-Jade," Mildred said, "this isn't a funny joke!" "I'm not doing this, I promise," she replied, as the portal kept sucking them in until Jade's whole body went through it, and she disappeared.

The portal disappeared with her, as Mildred just stood there, terrified.

Jade was just a normal sixteen-year-old. Well, I wouldn't say 'normal'. She was young and beautiful, but she was very tall for her age. People thought she had a disorder called gigantism.

Jade was 6 feet and 7 inches to be exact.

She was also a witch. You heard me right, a witch. She never used a wand though, she learned how to use it, but she later put it in a small box, locked it, and abandoned it. Oh how she wished she had it now, it would've gotten her out of this nightmare.

After what felt like hours, she fell through the same portal, closing her eyes and bracing for the impact. She landed on a surprisingly soft carpet floor. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling. There were four golden chandeliers with amethyst shards hanging from them.

She looked in the middle of the room, and there was a huge willow tree. It was bigger than a mansion! The branches looked thicker than a bus, but they had beautiful lavender vines and leaves. Suddenly, Jade's vision got blurry and she realized her glasses fell off.

She got on her hands and knees and felt around for her glasses, she reached a hand out but she touched something cold and soft. A hand. She looked up and saw a tall figure, it looked like it had somewhat pale skin, with, horns-? It had yellow horns, part of them hidden by white hair with a fade of purple, and a slight red highlight.

But the most surprising detail about it was that it had wings. Pitch black wings with a fade of purple like its hair.

"Are you alright?" It asked. Jade just stared at it. "I think this is yours," the figure held out its hand and it had her glasses. Jade took her glasses and put them on, her hands a bit shaky. She focused on the 'figure', which now looked like a human. No, not a human, it had horns and wings.

"I'm Zodiac, Zodiac Starfall," it said. "Jade, Jade Circle," Jade replied, "why and how am I here?" "Oh, it must have been a stray portal," Zodiac replied, "it happens all the time." "All the time!?" Jade exclaimed.

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