The crown prince now was very angry. Yes, he did talk about the festival but only because Wang Ji mentioned that he wanted to see it. Lan Huan knew that the reason for Wang Ji refusing to tell what he wants to do was because if he would reveal it now everyone would think he is mimicking his older brother, the crown prince. It wasn't the first time he witnessed something like this.

"You!" Lan Huan pointed at the servant who dared to interrupt his brother. "As of now, you will not serve here anymore. I will ban you from entering the palace ever again. Leave!" Lan Huan ordered and glared at the confused servant.

"But y-your highness, I just-"

"You heard what my son said" The empress interrupted him. She did not yet understand her oldest son's reaction but trusted him. "Leave and never step one foot into this royal palace."

"W-what did I-"

"Servants!! Take this person and kick him out!"

Immediately two other servants came and dragged the still very confused servant out. Lan Huan then turned to his little brother. "Wang Ji, that servant must have overheard us when we talked about the festival a few days ago. You suggested going there because you wanted to see it. It wasn't my idea. Do you still want to go?"

Now the empress understood and suppressed her anger. She thought that kicking that servant out was not enough but decided to let him off the hook and concentrate on her little boy.

"So my little Wang Ji wants to go to the festival in the mortal realm?" She asked and made Wang Ji look at her. "Do want to go, yes? Shall we visit it?" Wang Ji nodded shyly because he really wanted to go there. Only his enthusiasm wasn't as strong as before.

"Okay!" The empress said with a huge smile and kissed Wang Ji's cheeks. "Servants, help the princes and me to get ready."

 A lot was going on at the market in the mortal realm. For both princes, it was the second time to visit this realm and they were both very excited. The empress, who was accompanied by 3 servants and 1 maid, stood close to her sons and looked around.

"It's always a surprise how many people gather at one place to have fun. Lan Huan, Wang Ji, I don't mind you looking around but I want you to be accompanied by a servant, alright? Don't get lost."

"Yes, mother." Lan Huan announced with a huge grin and Wang Ji nodded. "Come, Wang Ji. Let's look around." The crown prince took his little brother's hand in his and pulled him after him. Wang Ji didn't like places with a lot of people but as this was somewhere he wanted to go, he wasn't complaining.

"Lan Huan, don't pull your brother like that. He is not a dog." The empress scolded her oldest son with a soft smile.

"I am sorry..." Lan Huan said apologetically and slowed down. He then saw something he liked, let go of his brother's hand and run off with two servants running after him.

"Wang Ji?" The empress called the second prince and knelt in front of him. "Are you happy that we are here?"

Wang Ji nodded and then tried to find his older brother in the crowd. One servant followed him while the empress stayed behind.

"Is everything alright, your majesty?" Her maid asked worriedly.

"I am fine. I just get tired very easily these days. I am also worried about my little Wang Ji. He is so quiet. I am never sure if he has fun or not because he seldom smiles."

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