Chapter Twelve - Fight

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Spaced on the fact it was double upload week so here is the expect extra chapter.

Rey and BB-8 were behind me, when I heard a loudspeaker communications, we turned to the right and there were two Stormtroopers. I removed the blasted from my leg strap and fired at them. Rey tried to do the same

"Oh safety." she mumbled the fired at the ones coming this way.

"Run!" I pulled her with me ad BB-8 followed. The two of us kept shooting backwards, it was clear for now. "Rey, take BB-8 try and get back to the Falcon. If you have to steal it and take BB-8 back to base." I ordered her.

"What about you?" she questioned

"I'll try to fight them off. BB-8, if i don't make it. Tell Hattie...tell her i love her okay?" he beeped hoping to see me again "I hope so too. " I ran of splitting away from them.

-3rd Person-

The First Order made their attack and speed out to crush those who fought back and to find BB-8. One of the troopers told Kylo Ren that BB-8 was going west with two girls and he followed. Han, Chewie and Finn fought off as many as they could and were almost done for when the Resistance showed up.

I came halt holding up my phaser and glancing around, when heard a familiar whizzing and cracking. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and everything became still. I dropped my phaser and replaced it with my lightsaber which made the same noise.

"I know you're here!" I called out "I can sense you." As well as hear you I thought after. I backed up  into a cavern of boulders then swung around clashing within him. The two of us fought, even now in a duel after all this time we're even matched. I back flipped into the air to gain higher ground, he followed in suit.

We seemed to be even matched, till he got a luck shot, he nicked my lightsaber at the handle, all but rendering it useless.

"Argh." I jumped back as it retracted and fell to the ground in a hiss of smoke "You broke my lightsaber." I breathed

"You've been making a name for yourself, causing more trouble than your worth." he replied through the distorted voice waves of his mask.

"Again with the mask? You're forgetting I know who you are, you don't scare me, you never have." he forced me to my knee's and i struggled against his hold.

"The droid where is it?" he questioned me

"Silly Ben, still thinking you can't force answers out of me." I grunted and he force his hold on me tighter and came closer

"You've seen it." he commented

"Sir, resistance fighters." I heard Stormtroopers "We need more troops"

"Pull the devision out. Forget the droid we have what we need." I felt everything go dark

-3rd Person-

BB-8 and Rey ran back to the others, ducking from shots as they went. BB-8 was reluctant to follow his mistress' orders but did so anyway.

"Rey!" Finn called joining them "Wait, where's Rory? I thought she was with you?"

"We split up, she tried to distract the Storm troopers." Finn caught sighting of a familiar figure, being carried away.

"Rory." Rey turned around and saw what Finn had

"Rory!" they yelled and started running but it was too late, Kylo Ren had boarded the ship and it took off. The two made a beeline for Han.

"Did you see that they took her. She's gone!" Finn asked the man as one of the Resistance ships was coming into land and the First Order left.

"Yeah I know." Resistance fighters disembarked to search for survivors and near the area. One of the was Leia who first noticed that Han was waiting for her. The two shared a silent moment before it was interrupted.

"Goodness, it is Han Solo. It is i, C-3P0." The golden cyborg reintroduce himself  "You probably don't recognise me because of the red arm. Look who it is, did you see who..." 3PO trailed of turning back to Leia, but even he managed to pick up on the two's we know silent yell.

"Oh...Uh. Excuse me Prin...General. Sorry. Come along BB-8..." the two of the  left the humans alone.

"You changed your hair." Han was the first to speak out of the two it was awkward

"Same jacket." Leia commented back

"No, new jacket." Chewy came over to greet his friend. Leia hugged the wookie who greeted her. He looked between the two then boarded the carrier. "I saw him." Han told her

"Leia, I saw our son. He was here and he took a unconscious Rory with him."

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