Chapter Five - Off we go

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While I took a moment before getting on with things, I survey the area and saw stormtroopers.

"Uh-oh. Now we're in trouble." I ran back over

"We gotta go, stormtroopers." I told them grabbing their hands and running off, dragging them with me, they started shooting at us "Come on, BB-8!" I call back to my friend as we run through the market.

"Let go of me"! the girl insisted and I did so. She ran ahead of me "BB-8 Stay close." we ducked into a tent

"They were shooting at us." the girl freaked out.

"Yeah, they saw the two of you with me. Or you with the two of us. Either way your now a target." Finn was searching the tent for a weapon as I removed my lightsaber.

"Oh, thanks for that." she retorted

"Hey. I'm not the one who chased you down with a stick." Finn retorted to her

"Will you two shut up, we have bigger problems, we need to get out of here, where can I get a ship?" I knelt in front of BB-8 "you alright?" he beeps in confirmations

"Shh" Finn tells us and we go quiet, we heard whizzing over head, fighters are air bound. Finn grabs the girls hand.  and we take off running again. Much to her complaining. One of the blast hit near us and i flew forward but I stopped any damage by using the force and lifting myself back up again.

"Are you alright?" The girl asked Finn.

"Yeah." this time she offered her hand where as I just pulled him up and turned to the girl

"Ship. Now. Insisting." i state

"This way."  The three of us and bb-8 ran out of the market following the girl. Blast went off behind us.

"We can't outrun them.!" Finn pants following behind us as we were heading towards a quad jumper. It's about damn time we got there.

"We might in that quad jumper!" the girl insists

"Do you know how pilot or are you assuming were one." I yell over too her "Cause  I'm not that experienced."

"Good job I am!" Then the quad jumper in front of us was shot out as a option and it went up in flames we screeched to a halt. "Garbage will do." she took off in the other directions as we ran to the right and onto another ship.

"Gunner's position is down there and there" she pointed in two different directions. i climbed down the ladder and strapped myself in.

"Finn, just remember what I told you earlier okay!"  I Shouted

"Okay!" he confirmed I put on my headset. "You ever fly this thing?" he questioned our pilot who was I'm assuming in the cockpit.

"No! This thing hasn't flown in years." was the reply back and

"Fantastic! I'm with complete amateurs." i grumble. The take off was jolty and not that well executed as we literally bumped up and down and swung side to side in the sort of ancient spacecraft "Will you take it easy, I would like to survive!" I grumbled as we crashed into several things before finally going up.

"Whoa, stay low, stay low!" Finn instead over the headset to the pilot.


"It confuses their tracking." Finn stated, huh, some information to remember if I ever survive this, I will be sure to mention it. Hattie was going to have my head if I did't get back to her, for a little girl she had a temper.

"Going low!" we were warned and then went high first before dipping back down. I started firing at our pursuers.

"Finn, a little help, pal." I grunted trying to keep control "Are the shield up new person?" I question

"No so easy without a co-pilot." she retorted. I groaned and removed myself "Finn it's up to you, I'm co-piloting." I climb up but had to use the force to keep myself stay as I took the open seat. I started flicking switches.

"Happy?" I glance at her "We need cover."

"We're about to get some...I hope." she answered and we weaved in and out of fallen and derelict star crafts.

"I hope you know what you're doing" I scowled at her she went faster then broke away, letting one of them smash into.  "We've still got more gaining on us, another bright idea would be helpful."

"I'm stuck in forward position, you're gonna have to loose them!" Finn called up to us and I glanced at the girl. She looked ahead and so did I, the rear end of a old star destroyer was dead ahead of us. She readied  to take us in, at least I think she was going to takes us inside.

"Get Ready." she called

"Okay, for what?!" Finn replied

"Something I don't think your gonna like." I shout back "I hope you're sure about this girly."  We flew past and swung round diving into the wreckage. We flew throw clashing at points but Finn was able to get rid of a few more. I was impressed with her, so would Poe. Finn took out the last ones and we flew away.

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