I rolled my eyes. All the girls exchanged looks as I heard all the boys grunt.
I don't mind a dance, but partying was more my thing and rocking out with the twins.

After a while McGonagall shuts us up.

'Silence! The house of Godric's Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries, I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching those names by behaving like babbling bumbling band of baboons.' She explained scanning the room

'Try saying that five time faster' one twins said to me and his twin

'Babbling bumbling band of baboons' I started

'Babbling bumbling band of baboons'

'Babbling bumbling band of baboons'

We said it back and fourth between each other before laughing.

'Breathe! Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight' McGonagall's footsteps came towards the girls.

Well...I'm an Animagus, so there's only a dog inside it.

'I know there's something going to burst out of Eloise Midgen but I don't think it's a swan' we heard Ron whisper to Seamus. I then hit his head as he massaged it. He turned to me. I shook my head.

'Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mister Weasley' McGonagall came forward offering her hand to Ron, she must of heard that remark.

'Yes' he says lowly sinking in his seat.

'Will you join me please' she asked

Me and the twins looked bewildered by what we were about to witness.

Soon Ron was literally in the middle of the hall.

'Mister Weasley take my waist'

'Where' he asked urgently looking at us for help

'My waist' McGonagall smiled

I then whistled tauntingly as Ron turned with an unreadable expression before McGonagall made him turn back

'Mr Filch if you please' McGonagall orders Filch to play the music

I then heard the music intoxicate the room.

'One two three, one two three, one two theee.' McGonagall shouted, they then danced around the hall.

As they were dancing along with the music me, Fred and George moved along with the music.

'You're never going to let him forget this, are you?' Harry mutters to us

'Never' we say simultaneously.

Soon they finished, they all wanted us to join in, and pick a partner. The girls kept to their fear but they boys were reluctant.

'Care to dance?' Fred asked

'Hey no way! I was going to ask her' George nudged Fred.

'You snooze you loose.' He smirks at his twin

'I'll just go with Pavarti then. But expect Puking Pastilles in your pumpkin juice. ' he mumbled

'Yeah yeah, sod off' he shouted as he took my hand and led me to where everyone was dancing

Fred gripped my waist with a cheeky grin we then danced. We looked into each other's eyes. Apart of me wished it was with Malfoy, like the nights on the Astronomy tower. Wait! No! I can't be thinking such things!

'Are you okay?' He asked in my ear

I just nodded. We continued to dance, both of us glued to one another. Until we pulled apart, the lesson was over. But we have to know the waltzed for the ball which was in a few weeks. Which wasn't long.

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