Significant Powers in North America

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A simple guide to the countries and groups that are dominant in North America. These groups and Nations will pop up throughout the story, so use this as a reference guide.


New United States
Reduced to consisting of all the eastern seaboard, and several inland states such as Ohio and Illinois, the USA may be badly beaten, but with a renewed patriotism within it's populace, this new country is a force to be reckoned with.

Texas Republic
After the collapse of the US, Texas decided to strike out it's own path in history, again. Fiercely independent with a wealthy petrochemical industry, this country is rich in natural resources, making it a key economic ally for any nation seeking to grow in power.

Midwestern Federation
With the New United States to it's East, the Texas Republic to it's South, and the Pacific States to it's West, this fledgling nation and it's people must do all they can to avoid angering those stronger than them, as the dry conditions of the Midwest will make it nearly impossible to be self sufficient in terms of agriculture.

Pacific States
Along the Pacific seaboard, this newer republic has built a strong navy, and seeks to establish dominance over the high seas. However, the arid Pacific west has poor growing conditions, and has exhausted nearly all of its common resources, with isolated uranium, steel and coal industries holding it's economy up by a thread.

Mexican Republic
Authoritarian to it's very core, with cartel syndicates pouring money into a corrupt police state, this fractured nation is barely holding itself together, making it a hotspot for insurgencies and extremist groups.

Now independent from Canada, this French speaking nation somehow emerged from the climate crisis mostly unscathed.

New Canada
Following the sucession of Quebec, this Northern Country has large population centers close to the Midwestern Federation's northern borders. However, the isolated northern provinces have proved an ideal spot for extremist groups to go into hiding and set up shop.

Free City of New York
A city state that rose from the ashes of the old city of New York. After taking control of Long Island, this world capital seems to be on a fast track to unparalleled wealth.


Sons of the Confederacy (SOTC)
Fringe political extremists active in the south- violent, and unforgiving.
Territory: backwater towns and counties in the South of the New United States.
Crimes: Forced Labor directed against dark skinned individuals,
Execution of political dissidents,
Suppression of human rights,
Seeks to establish an authoritarian ethno-state. In conflict with the NBP.

New Black Panthers (NBP)
Violent fringe-left partisans seeking racially motivated genocide against light skinned individuals
Territory: No defined territory
Crimes: mass unjustified killings
Various bombing attacks
Imprisonment and execution of those who speak out against them
Brutal forced labor- considered even worse than the Sons of the Confederacy
Very active in America, and engaged in an unofficial conflict with the SOTC, the NBP seeks the establishment of a global "Black Communist Ethno-State".

Red Right Hands (RRH)
Led by Jose Narcuago, aka "Black Serpent", the RRH are globally active authoritarian extremists with no clear motivation, the RRH seeks global control, for no known reason. Considered very well organized, and extremely dangerous by all nations.
Territory: Holdings In Canadian Provinces, isolated towns and counties in various American Countries, Large holdings in central Asian countries.
Crimes: Wanton executions
Use of biochemical weapons
Mass killings of those who speak against them publicly, including assassinations (with varying levels of success)
Extremely Dangerous. Must be dealt with and eradicated As Soon as Possible.

Adirondack Minute Men (AMM)
Militia group that works in close association with the New United States to clean up insurgencies and Extremist groups hiding in mountainous terrain. Applied for integration into the NUS Army several times- rejected each time.

Bayou Raiders
While considered dangerous, the Bayou Raiders have a special bone to pick with the SOTC and NBP. This special status has rendered them important to cleanup operations.

Various other groups and nations do exist, but these are the most significant ones, and the most relevant to North America.

Black Claw Political Party (BCPP)
[Unknown Error]
Classified by North American Exoatmospheric Defense Agency
Possible Threat

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